Sunday, May 12, 2024

Are these scarf people on campus silly...or sinister? Ignorant or evil?

Are the useful idiots aware of what "intifada" even means?

The voice of warning for today  "Author Douglas Murray has blasted the “disgusting and ignorant kids” participating in pro-Palestine protests at American universities as  “morally lost”.

Mr Murray wrote a piece in the New York Post earlier this month called, ‘College idiots calling for ‘Intifada’ have no idea how many innocents have died from that word’. “I mentioned, in that piece, the 2001 bombing of the Dolphinarium nightclub in Tel Aviv where a Palestinian suicide bomber detonated by a group of young women trying to get into the club,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “These women were the same age as these women chanting for Intifada now at Columbia, and in LA, and in other reprehensible educational institutions in the US. “I wonder if these disgusting and ignorant kids at American universities have any idea that that’s what they’re calling for. “If they do, then they are morally lost to an extent that they probably could never come back from. “If they’re just ignorant, which I really, really hope they are, I hope that – to steal one of the phrases they’re so keen on using themselves – they do the work and realise what the words they chant actually mean.”

Here's What Happened When Pro-Hamas Activists Tried to Block Traffic in FL (  . . ."Leah also wrote in April that Florida drags these people off the roads, as law enforcement should. For months, these clowns have shut down roads and bridges, seized college buildings, took hostages, and tried to shut down airports by launching balloons near runways. At least in Florida, they bulldozer over these little terrorists."

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