Sunday, May 12, 2024

Kathy Hochul: The Breaker of Chains

 Diann Russell (

As insulting and presumptuous as that remark is, it will be forgotten within a day or two because Mhysa Hochul has a (D) after her name. And that (D) is a political shield so powerful, she could walk into a fire and not get burned.

"Governor Kathy Hochul, the domineering mother of us all, seems to believe that young black kids in the Bronx have never heard of computers.

While speaking at the Milken Institute, brave Kathy — the Breaker of Chains and the Mother of Us All — said this:

Right now, we have young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word “computer” is.

"Yeah, really.

"Now, I don’t live in the Bronx. However, I do live in a Central New York urban area not far from an elementary school, and I can say with absolute certainty that young black kids around here know exactly what computers are. Most of them carry one with them in the form of a smartphone.

"Does Kathy think she’s a seventeenth-century missionary bringing the Gospel According to Microsoft to the natives of Peru?

"How could the governor of New York State be so bloody clueless?

"Mhysa Hochul’s condescension went over about as well as one would expect." . . .

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