Monday, May 20, 2024

Even Obama won't speak at Harvard -

 Don Surber (

"This year is probably a rougher year for someone to affiliate themselves with Harvard"

We now have a group of people in America who want Jews eradicated from the river to the sea. We have a name for such haters. Democrats.

"Keep it up. We’re winning. The first and most prestigious college in America now is such a pariah that even Barack Hussein Obama apparently turned down giving this year’s Class Day keynote speech, according to the Harvard Crimson.

"The student paper reported, “Harvard Struggles To Find Class Day Speaker Less Than 2 Weeks Before Ceremony.”

"The story said, “More than 10 people have declined offers to serve as the keynote speaker for Harvard College’s annual Class Day, leaving the Harvard Alumni Association scrambling to find a speaker with less than two weeks until the ceremony for undergraduate seniors.”

"That paper also said, “The candidates on the Senior Class Committee’s initial list included Harvard dropout Matt Damon, a former member of the Class of 1992, 15-time NBA All-Star Shaquille O’Neal, former U.S. president Barack Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama, and Canadian rapper Drake. Damon, O’Neal, and Drake were contacted but declined the invitation to speak.”

"Maybe they can get Harvard hero General Qasem Soleimani. Oh wait, Trump had him thumped.

"Senior Class First Marshal Fez S. Zafar told the paper, “What was explained to us was that obviously this year is probably a rougher year for someone to affiliate themselves with Harvard, especially if they don’t have an existing connection.”


"Harvard’s year was not as bad as the year 1,200 Israelis and foreign guests had on October 7 when Palestinian soldiers in civilian clothing surprised and attacked them. The rape and butchery shocked the nation. Some of the soldiers paraglided in.

"And unlike Harvard, their wounds were not self-inflicted. Most of them just wanted to go to a music festival for peace.

"Harvard’s response to October 7 was tolerating students who supported Hamas and the raping and killing.

"In December, the president of Harvard and a few other elitist school presidents testified before Congress just two months after October 7. The president, Claudine Gay, said well, calling for the extermination of Jews is OK because Harvard welcomes robust discussions — except for discussions about LGBT, DEI and CRT.

"Oh, Harvard fired her for embarrassing Harvard in her testimony. The excuse was she plagiarized her PhD dissertation and just about everything else she ever wrote. But Harvard kept her on staff at $800,000 a year. Call it black privilege or call it female privilege but the bottom line is nothing changed. Harvard in 2024 is as Harvard was in 1924.

"Anti-Semitic." . . . What must it be like, dealing with such a bi-polar country as America? Israel sees us as an ally in one administration, an adversary in the next. TD

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