Monday, May 20, 2024

Importing terror

 Mike McDaniel - American Thinker 

Have they already imported such people into America? Considering it took years for them to admit they’d been flying hundreds of thousands of illegals into America, bet on it. Bet too, on American blood flowing in the streets in the near future.

"Just who are the “Palestinians?” Who are the people living in Gaza? Ethnically, they’re from a variety of local tribes, many from Jordan, and virtually all are Muslim, George W. Bush’s “religion of peace.” Most, at least ¾, are either Islamists or unabashed supporters of Islamists, in this case Hamas. In other words, most Gazans are Islamist terrorists dedicated to the extermination of every Jew and every infidel, which is us. 

"Not many understand Muslims willing to live in peace with the peoples of other faiths are not following the intent or letter of their faith. Islam does not proselytize; it conquers, forcing others to accept Islam or slavery. Islam views women as property, and has no tolerance. In their societies there is no DEI; they’re all dead.

"Palestinian children are indoctrinated from birth to hate Jews and to believe their highest accomplishment in life is to murder Jews—and infidels—and to die in Jihad—holy war. Their “leaders” pay the families of martyrs—“pay to slay.” Billions upon billions in aide poured into Gaza have gone into the pockets of Hamas leaders, the building of terror tunnels and the purchase of weapons.

"We now know many “average” Gazans accompanied Hamas terrorists in their October 7 raid into Israel, where they looted and committed atrocities. They also kidnapped Israelis and Americans, and have served as their captors since. To find much more on Islamists, go here.  

"Keep in mind the Jordanians and Egyptians are refusing to allow any Gazans onto their territory. They know them all too well and want nothing to do with them. Which is why, of course, the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration (MMPA) wants to bring them to America:

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