Thursday, June 27, 2024

5 Questions Biden Should Be Asked If The Debate Is Fair


. . ."Why have you continually lied that you inherited high inflation when it was below 2% when you took office?

"Why did you lie to the American people that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation?  Should you be charged with a crime for hiding the truth from the American people since that is essentially what Trump was convicted of?

"Why have you continually lied to the American people that you had nothing to do with Hunter's business dealings when you took him around the world in a government jet collecting kickbacks and sat in on his phone calls?

"Sadly, most of the media, and especially CNN haven't cared about facts for a long time so they won't ask good questions. Instead they will spend their time seeking to destroy Trump and working their hardest to prop up the corrupt, incompetent, dishonest Biden."

Hillary Doesn't Want Voters Watching The First Debate (   

. . ."After patting herself on the back at length for allegedly co-producing a musical about women voting — gag — Hillary Clinton finally got to the real reason she was once again disturbing America’s inner peace: She wanted to tell everyone how they don’t really need to watch the debate Thursday between President Biden and the man she lost to eight years ago.

"In a wince-inducing op-ed for The New York Times this week, Clinton declared herself singularly knowledgeable about how the face-off between Biden and former President Trump should go. “I am the only person to have debated both men (Mr. Trump in 2016 and, in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary race, Mr. Biden),” she wrote. “I know the excruciating pressure of walking onto that stage and that it is nearly impossible to focus on substance when Mr. Trump is involved.”

"She went on to inadvertently humiliate herself, writing of Trump, “It’s nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even are;” “He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather;” and, “[e]xpectations for him are so low that if he doesn’t literally light himself on fire on Thursday evening, some will say he was downright presidential.” Again, this is the person Clinton lost to, against all odds, with all of the media, all of Hollywood, and all of Washington at her back. If Trump is really so incoherent, the op-ed should have been headlined, “He is the stupidest person on earth and he kicked my a–.”

5 Questions Biden Should Be Asked If The Debate Is Fair (  "CNN’s Jake Tapper compared former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, and Dana Bash’s ex-husband signed onto the infamous letter that dismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation ahead of the 2020 election. Yet both of these so-called journalists are supposed to moderate a fair presidential debate this Thursday.

"CNN’s long history of anti-Trump bias will undoubtedly permeate the moderators’ line of questioning in favor of President Joe Biden, but here are five questions the moderators would ask Biden if they wanted to host a truly fair debate.

1) “When you took office, inflation was 1.4 percent. Under your leadership, inflation hit 9 percent. Why do you blame Trump for that?” . . .

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