Thursday, June 27, 2024

'Anti-Zionist' Turns Himself In to Police After Subway Stunt

 – HotAir  

The protest at the Nova exhibit was especially disgustingHorror gripped Menashe Manzuri as he watched on Monday as an anti-Israel mob swarm the Manhattan exhibit memorial for the Oct. 7 terror attacks and viciously echo the chants of terrorists who murdered his two daughters.


 "Have you seen this video? A large group of "anti-Zionist" protesters crowded into a subway car in New York City earlier this month. One person told any Zionists on the train to identify themselves and then get off while the rest of the crowd chanted after him."

. . ."Unfortunately for the creep behind this, what he did is a crime. A few days later the police released a photo of the chant leader asking for tips as to his identity.

"They must have gotten some tips because today 24-year-old Anas Saleh turned himself in to police.

Anas Saleh turned himself in on Wednesday morning at the New York Police Department's Transit District 2, Fox News Digital has learned. 

Saleh is being charged via a criminal complaint with coercion after harassing strangers on a city subway.

"Saleh was given a desk appearance ticket specifying that he needed to appear in court next Monday. Then he was released and his release turned into a circus. Just look at these pathetic goons. Toward the end of this clip they are clearly blocking the subway exit so no one with cameras can get through." . . .

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