Thursday, July 25, 2024

Soldiers from Nahal Oz base share their amazing stories of survival

 Shayan   WATCH: Soldiers from Nahal Oz base share their amazing stories of survival | World Israel News

"This photo was taken on the evening of October 6th at the Nahal Oz outpost. It was the last Shabbat for observation Sergeant Shachaf Nissani, who was supposed to be released from duty the following week, and she was celebrating with her friends. The girls in the picture had no idea of the horror awaiting them just a few hours later. Out of the 11 girls here, 9 were murdered (one of them in captivity), one was kidnapped and later freed in a military operation. Among the other observation soldiers on duty at that time, another 5 were kidnapped and are still in captivity, and 5 more were murdered.

"This single photo remains as a painful memento of the unimaginable massacre – they had warned, but no one listened to them. They marked their friend’s last Shabbat in the army, which turned into the last Shabbat of life for most of them."


. . ."In October 2023, dozens of Hamas militants entered Nahal Oz during the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel.The militants attacked the nearby military post, killing 41 members of the Golani Brigade and 20 soldiers in the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps. The militants deployed a flammable substance against the soldiers at the base, which also released toxic gases that caused suffocation.[13]

Aftermath of the attack

"Some of the militants also broke into the houses, killing 12 residents and taking others hostage.[14] The kibbutz was held by Hamas for 12 hours, until the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) killed the militants and took back control of the kibbutz. Hamas also took hostage a family of five, both parents and their three children, and retreated with them to Gaza. The kidnapping was livestreamed by militants using the mother's phone, alerting the rest of the family of the kidnapping. Arson and vandalism carried out by Hamas militants left a significant number of homes destroyed or uninhabitable, leading to the displacement of the residents of the kibbutz." . . .

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