Monday, August 26, 2024

"Dear Democrats, there are no two sides to Hamas support" David M. Weinberg


The American Spectator

Woke Reporter embarrassed!

. . ."But what they don’t talk about – the issues and areas they have largely tried to avoid, at least so far – says as much about their electoral strategies and weakness as what they choose to highlight. Here are three notable omissions halfway through the party extravaganza." . . .

Democrats' long-simmering Israel tensions reignite over Squad's comments on Hamas (   "House Democrats’ long-simmering divisions over Israel are bubbling to the surface in the aftermath of Hamas' attacks on Israeli civilians.
Why it matters: The overwhelmingly pro-Israel Democratic Caucus tends to tolerate the high-profile, left-wing "Squad," which generally is more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause — but Squad members' comments about the attacks have sparked a swift internal backlash.
Driving the news: To the dismay of some of their Democratic colleagues, Squad members' reactions to Hamas' attack included decrying the "cycle of violence" between Israelis and Palestinians and demanding an end to U.S. military assistance to Israel.
"I was pained to read those comments," Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) told Axios.

"What they're saying: Squad Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, while Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) called to end "unconditional" military aid. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) said "this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue" unless the funds are cut off.

"Tlaib, a Palestinian American, did not mention Hamas and made only a passing reference to the recent violence in her statement, which decried the "Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day." . . .

Dear Democrats, there are no two sides to Hamas support  

. . ."KAMALA HARRIS, who now officially holds the Democratic presidential nomination, showed Biden the way. One month ago, she declared that Gaza “is not a binary issue,” meaning, I guess, that there are “very fine people on both sides” of the protest lines." . . .  

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