Monday, August 26, 2024

Jim Acosta Makes Disgusting Attack on Trump for Honoring Soldiers Killed During Afghanistan Withdrawal

 Jeff Charles; RedState  Such a sad state at CNN if Jim Acosta is the best they have. TD

"The former president did slam the Biden administration in a post on Truth Social on Monday, referring to the withdrawal as “the most EMBARASSING [sic] moment in the history of our Country.' ”

"CNN’s Jim Acosta sunk to a new low during an interview on Monday in which he lashed out at former President Donald Trump for honoring the 13 service members who lost their lives during the Biden administration’s botched military withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"While interviewing Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO), he suggested Trump was politicizing the service members’ deaths by showing up to place a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery for the victims of the Kabul airport terrorist attack on the anniversary of the tragedy.

"Acosta started by bringing up deceptive claims that Trump referred to deceased veterans as “suckers” and “losers.”

“ 'You’re a former army ranger. Is he politicizing these soldiers’ deaths? Should he even be at Arlington National Cemetery if he’s going to make some politics out of this?” Acosta asked the lawmaker.

"Crow responded, lamely defending President Joe Biden’s handling of the withdrawal."

"Cheryl Rex, the mother of one of the fallen Marines, recalled a disturbingly callous interaction with President Biden where he appeared to make the tragedy about himself, equating the loss of her son to that of his own son, who died of cancer."

Cheryl Rex, mother of Lance Cpl. Dylan Merola: "When [Biden] approached me, his words to me were, 'My wife, Jill & I, know how you feel. We lost our son as well and brought him home in a flag draped coffin.'" "My heart started beating faster & I started shaking, knowing that their son died from cancer & they were able to be by his side." "How could someone be so heartless to say he knew how I felt."

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