Thursday, September 12, 2024

Are Harris supporters ignorant or do they just hate Trump more than they love this country?

 Patricia McCarthy - American Thinker 

"On Israel, she stupidly spoke of a two-state solution!  Where has she been?  It is Hamas that refuses any cease-fire because they want Israel destroyed.  Anyone still dreaming about a two-state solution is an ignorant fool." . . .

Israelis visited by Hamas

"Given everything we know about Kamala Harris by now, it is astonishing that a single American would consider voting for her.  She is clearly way out of her depth, and until she suddenly became the designated candidate of the Democrat party, most people on both sides of the aisle considered her to be unqualified.  She did virtually nothing as Biden’s vice president these past three-and-a-half years beyond casting tie-breaking votes on numerous bills that have led to destructive inflation and trillions more in our national debt.  Most everyone agrees that she was the most radical of leftist senators while she held that office; she is to the left of Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist.  Harris is, and would govern as, a communist. The record of her political beliefs, going back to her terms first as San Francisco DA and then state AG, proves just how radical she is.  Now she claims she has “changed her mind” on all those annoying issues like defunding the police, ending all fracking, decriminalizing all drug offenses, no border wall, the decriminalization of all illegal entries into the U.S., mandated gun confiscation, etc., and she claims as well that “her values have not changed.”  She wants to have it both ways.

"Now we have heard the one and only debate during which the two ABC moderators clearly sought to cover for Harris’s many, many lies. To those of us who follow the campaign closely, just about every word out of her mouth was a lie.  So, one has to assume that those people who support Kamala Harris are wholly ignorant of her plans to complete Obama’s transformation of America into a Marxist nation without any constitutional protections.  If they continue to support her after the debate, then they are so deeply indoctrinated they are unable to think critically." . . . 

Ms. McCarthy leaves us with this quote from Deitrich Bonhoeffer back in the Nazi era in Germany:

And so the Nazis killed him.

. . ."For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous."

Much more at the Tunnel Wall 

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