Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dear Kamala, We Want To Go Back. And So Should Everyone Else

 Issues & Insights

Lets go back before our own people shouted "death to America!" on our own streets

Kamala Harris used the same "we're not going back" line when she ran for president in 2019.

"We want to go back to a time before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris wrecked the economy, before they unleashed the inflation monster, before they threw open the border, let criminals run free, and exuded weakness abroad.

"In other words, we want to go back to a time when a tax-cutting, pro-growth, anti-regulation, strong defense president was in the White House and America was prosperous and the world at peace.

"What we don’t want is to go forward with the Biden-Harris disaster, which is what Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will give us, good and hard.

"So, as a reader service, we’ve gathered a brief sampling of reasons why the public should join us in desperately wanting to go back to the “failed policies” we had under Trump, and not continue with the “leadership” we’ve seen under Biden-Harris. (Readers are invited to add to this list using the comment section below.)" . . .

One item on the list is this particularly critical one:

National security. Under Trump, ISIS was quickly routed, Iran was on its knees, Russia made no moves against its neighbors, and Israel was signing peace deals with its neighbors. The Biden-Harris disaster in Afghanistan resulted in 13 dead American soldiers and left the Taliban with billions of dollars worth of U.S. weapons. Biden-Harris also unfroze billions of dollars in Iranian funds, which this terrorist nation then used to run a spy ring in the Biden administration, finance attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq and shipping in the Red Sea, and train Hamas for its ambush of Israel. Russia invaded Ukraine. China felt free to send a spy balloon across the entire U.S. And Hamas still holds Americans captive after almost a year of Biden-Harris dithering.

"So, please, for the love of God, take us back!"

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