Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Passion, humor...and pets

On the issue of eating pets:...

Cats for Trump - Don Surber   . . ."Reports hold that the Haitians are eating and sacrificing household pets and park ducks and geese in Springfield.

"The local police deny this but last week, the mayor of Aurora, Colorado, denied that Venezuelans were taking over apartment complexes and extorting money from tenants. The mayor lied, so why should we believe officials in Springfield?

"I will not vouch for the veracity of the reports of voodoo sacrifices and third world cuisine. I do know the Haitians terrify people and that resonates in our presidential election which pits a border czar who believes in open borders against a builder of hotels and resorts who wants to complete the border wall he began.

"The American press denies that the Haitians are eating pussycats and geese. Rolling Stone said, “No, Migrants Are Not Eating People's Cats in Ohio.” It also said a University of Virginia fraternity gangraped a woman and wound up paying $1.65 million for the fake news." . . .

Haitian immigrants eating pet cats and ducks of residents in Ohio? Here's what happened - Times of India

Residents of Springfield, OH are reporting that Haitians are eating their family pets, another gift of the Biden-Harris mass immigration replacement plan. Liberals will soon be lecturing Americans on why they need to be sensitive to Haitian culture and accept this as the new…

 The Haitian cat diet story has produced an extraordinary number of memes UPDATED - Andrea Widburg

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