Wednesday, September 11, 2024

On the debate; hits or misses?

The PR Fallout of the Trump-Harris Debate: A Disastrous Defeat, or the Rise of Sugar Ray Trump? – PJ Media   . . ."There’s more to the story, of course. There always is: Ironically enough, ABC’s moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis will help Trump’s post-debate PR. Had it been a fair, one-on-one fight, Trump’s performance would’ve looked even worse. But because ABC’s bias was so ridiculously heavy-handed, at least Trump has an excuse. (Frankly, Trump needs one. That wasn’t a good performance.) In particular, Muir was practically in Kamala’s handbag." . . .

In 3-On-1 Knife-Fight, Kalm, Konfident Kamala Koolly Kills ( . . ."All while commanding the screen as Trump spoke, with headshakes, smirks, smiles, and once, even a hand placed thoughtfully on her chin to further undermine her opponent’s credibility."
. . ."Steam poured out of the MAGA leader’s ears. Already coming across as sullen and angry compared to Harris’ practiced, deft touch, Trump shouted repeatedly into the microphone – far too hot for the “cool” broadcast medium.

And succumbed more deeply to the missteps and missed opportunities that plagued him the entire evening as he rose to Kamala’s cleverly laid bait:" . . .

. . ."The bottom line: the 3-on-1 disadvantage hindered Trump. But not as much as Kamala’s well-designed strategy. And Trump’s own angry-old-man posture and unforced errors.

Luck and design both ran Kamala’s way. As did the night.

Trump, Harris debate: Vice president couldn't answer the one question that mattered

 Voter Reactions to the ABC News Debate Were Not Good...for Kamala   "Donald Trump didn’t clinch a decisive win last night, though he had his chances. That’s what’s so frustrating. Kamala Harris wasn’t good, but also not a total disaster like Joe Biden was in June. She got under Trump’s skin, with the former president taking the bait on rally size and the 2020 election. Trump sounded and looked flustered over these topics, plus January 6 and the weaponization of the Justice Department. The more he spoke less about policy, the more comfortable Kamala became—that’s not good. There were chances to land a haymaker to knock her out, and Trump failed. Instead of demoralizing Democrats, we will now hear about how Kamala shifted the race." . . .

If you want to say it was a draw, that’s fair, but the fact Trump couldn’t bury Harris on policy is what irks me. It was there. Yet, as I noted earlier this morning, it might not matter. The CNN snap poll on who won showed Harris running away with it.

 CNN Poll Shows Trump Beat Harris on the Point That Matters Most to the American People – RedState

 In less than two minutes, Fox News' Trace Gallagher summed up the disparity:

 An excellent compilation of the ABC debate moderators' complete dereliction of duty from Trace Gallagher – RedState                                               @tracegallagher

MUST SEE: Megyn Kelly Goes Nuclear on ABC After Rigged Trump Debate, Exposes Their 'Personal Friendship' to Kamala     . . ."This should be the last time the Republicans ever do this because those two moderators tried to sink Donald Trump tonight."

"The numerous fact-checks on what he said and none on what she said — none. I don’t remember a single fact-check of anything she said, and she lied repeatedly. She just got away with it in the moderators’ eyes.

"That was Donald Trump’s job to fact-check her. That’s correct, except you didn’t employ that same tactic when it came to Trump. And you accused him of lying, even when it was just your opinion that he lied.

"When Trump tried to say that his comment that he lost 2020 by a whisker was him being sarcastic, David Muir actually interjected, saying, “I didn’t hear sarcasm.' ” . . .

Harris survived the debate (with a huge assist from the moderators) but Trump scored crucial points (   . . ."Donald Trump got to Kamala Harris’ core problem in his debate close, waving off all her promises about what she’d do in office: “Why hasn’t she done it already?”

"Hard to think of a better riposte to her “We won’t go back” slogan — which aims to appeal to Americans’ desperate desire for change from the Biden policies she shares.

"Harris had a pretty smooth night: She did her homework for once, including prepping lines guaranteed to get under Trump’s skin — some of which plainly did put him off-balance.

"And of course she had backup from the moderators, ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis — who targeted far more tough questions at Trump than at Harris, and all of their “fact-checking.”

"Worse: Whenever she started to babble in trying to defend her own record, they rescued her by changing the subject." . . .

Kamala Harris . . . gambling that good vibes will propel her to White House  "Vice President Kamala Harris came out of her debate with former President Donald Trump armed with confidence she could win the White House with an aspirational message light on specifics. In the weeks since she has become the Democratic Party’s nominee, Ms. Harris has talked about joy, vision, and values, but has been bereft of policy ideas." . . .

ABC's David Muir Lied About Crime Falling Under Biden-Harris   . . ."In fact, Trump was correct about the increase in crime under Biden. While violent crime fell by 17 percent under Trump, Biden has seen it rise by 43 percent.

"Muir doesn’t understand what the FBI is measuring. The FBI counts the number of crimes reported to police. Trump was right that less than half of police departments are now giving that data to the FBI, but, more importantly, Trump was discussing what was happening to total crime, not just the number of crimes reported to police." . . .

Some undecided voters not convinced by Harris after debate with Trump | Reuters   "I still don't know what she is for," said Mark Kadish, 61, an entrepreneur in Florida. "There was no real meat and bones for her plans."

"Four of the voters are women and six are men; eight are white and two are Black. All have voted for both Democratic and Republican candidates in the past.

"Harris did mention some policy specifics, including her plan to offer tax benefits to families and small businesses. But she focused much of the debate on attacking Trump rather than laying out detailed policies.

"Robert Wheeler, 48, a security firm executive in Nevada, was leaning toward Harris before the debate. He now says if the election were held tomorrow he would vote for Trump, largely because he thought Harris didn't provide clarity on her policies.

" 'I felt like the whole debate was Kamala Harris telling me why not to vote for Donald Trump instead of why she's the right candidate," Wheeler said." . . .

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