Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Barack Obama’s racist, crude day appearing on Kamala’s behalf

 Andrea Widburg   "In the lead-up to and during Barack Obama’s presidency, we were relentlessly told that Barack Obama was a racial healer and a man of unusual, almost James Bondian suave sophistication. Both were lies. Barack Obama has always been a race hustler and a crude, low-thinking person. Both traits appeared during campaign appearances he made yesterday on Kamala’s behalf, where he made a vulgar crack about Donald Trump and shamed young black men for voting for their interests rather than their skin color.

"Obama’s obsession with race and his determination to impose on America his divisive racial visions were heralded by his long relationship with Rev. Wright, the America-hating, antisemitic preacher, and his more tightly guarded relationship with the truly vile Louis Farrakhan." 

Tony Branco

"Aside from his ferociously racist associates, Obama just kept letting slip those racist statements that belied his 2004 declaration that America couldn’t be divided along color lines (whether political party or race). There was the time he threw his grandmother under the bus as a “typical white person” who doesn’t mean to be racist but still is.

"Or the time when Obama said Ferguson police were racially “oppressive and abusive” based upon the phony Michael Brown narrative or the time he fueled racial hatred after the Trayvon Martin case (another hoax on Americans when Democrats said it was a racial murder) by saying that the gangster kid looking to roll people and get drugs “could have been my son.”

"And who can forget the time Obama said that the police in Cambridge had “acted stupidly” when they arrested a suspiciously behaving and obstreperous Henry Louis Gates Jr.

"If race was involved, Obama happily waded in to stir the pot.". . .

. . ."If black men aren’t voting for Kamala, it’s because they’ve looked at and compared the last two presidencies. During Trump’s presidency, America, generally, and their lives, specifically, were better. They had better jobs, more money, and less competition from illegal aliens. Kamala explicitly promises to give them more of the failed policies that Biden visited on them. They know it, and they reject it. These young men don’t need some effete multi-millionaire to tell them that they’re self-loathing, misogynistic men if they don’t vote the way the millionaire wants.

Obama is not now, nor was he ever, a nice human being. It’s just getting harder for him to hide that fact.

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