Tuesday, October 15, 2024

From The Peoples Cube: Handy Guide to University Codes of Conduct

The People's Cube; Guaranteed Equality of Results

Elite Universities like University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, and MIT have strict codes of conduct to make sure the students respect one another, while allowing civilized and intelligent discussion about their different opinions.

"Legal scholars from these Universities met this week to create the handy guide below.  It was created so students, Congressional leaders, and the average 'they/them on the street' are absolutely clear about what statements are allowed and what are not.

"All Jews should die"
It depends on context, but nearly always allowable in the interest of reasoned debate.

"All Muslims should die"
Islamophobia at its worst - prohibited speech 100% of the time.

"Abortion is murder"
Absolutely false and a violation of the code of conduct.  How can you 'murder' a clump of cells that just happens to look like a human baby?

"Meat is murder"
Not a violation (unless the 'meat' in question happens to be a baby-shaped clump of cells).

"Men should not be allowed to compete in women's sports"
Violation of the code of conduct.  This falls under the Bullying and Harassment section and is therefore prohibited.

"Yeah you f—ing transphobic bitch.  I f–ing see you [Riley Gaines]!"
Not a violation.  The speaker is attempting to educate."

"That's not a woman!  That's just a dude in a dress.  Why do people keep calling him by the wrong pronouns?"
Not just a violation of the code of conduct, but probably a violation of state and / or federal law.

"Make American Great Again"
Ugh, do we really even have to answer this?  NO NO NO.  Most codes of conduct actually have a specific section for this.

"America was founded on racism and all the Founding Fathers were in the KKK"
Allowed.  We can debate the specifics (the KKK wasn't formed until the Civil War and well after the Founding Fathers were already gone), but this is all part of the free exchange of ideas elite Universities are trying to foster.

"Hopefully this eliminates any concerns taxpayers might have about free speech on University campuses."

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