. . ."He's come out of the woodwork to project Democrat riggings onto Republicans, and to repeat the old tropes already rejected by the voters about Trump being a "threat" to "democracy." . . .
. . ." The video posted by Dr. Swain, makes the absurd claim that Republicans are the ones who have rigged the election process, as well gone beyond democratic means in matters such as "politicizing the armed forces," which certainly hasn't happened under Republicans, (Democrats are another story), meaning no compromise is possible, because "in those circumstances, a line has been crossed. And we have to stand firm."
"She reads that as a dog whistle to leftists to do all they can to disrupt the Trump inauguration rather than try to get along, since Republicans are hopelessly antidemocratic. With that the firm belief, and Obama promoting it, there can't be any cooperation, just disruption, which is why Dr. Swain views it as a dog whistle to disrupt the inauguration, and probably the presidency of President Trump, which has been done before."If you consider your opponent an inhuman monster, a Hitler, a threat to all democratic order, well, why would you treat them as opponents instead of enemies? Yet oddly enough, Obama says Republicans consider them the enemies, (defeated enemies) a situation he bemoans as uncivil.
"It all goes to show that Obama is practicing the same old divisiveness, cloaked as unity, but only if the opposition is banned, the way they do in dictatorships beloved in his party, like Cuba.
"Republicans have no history of Castro-worship, or communist China envy (Obama once bemoaned that he couldn't run America the way the ChiComs already run China), or general dictator envy -- they just play civilly, and get rolled for it every time, until, it seems, now, with President Trump giving them a taste of their own tactics." . . .
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