Saturday, August 15, 2009
CBS Describes Democrats as ‘Orchestrating’ Pro-Obama Town Hall in Montana
Newsbusters "...So why wasn't there more anger in here? For one thing, after accusing Republicans of orchestrating their protests, Democrats did some orchestrating of their own, getting in line early in large numbers and snatching up most of the tickets."
Perfect: Iran Creates Propaganda Gold Out Of Hillary's Empty "We Empowered The Protesters" Bragging [Video]
Mere Rhetoric "...Iranian Tweeters are going ballistic about it. Apparently Iran state media is plastering it all over the airwaves." What "progressives" can do to a nation's reputation.
Obama’s Straw Man Attacks; Point-by-point rebuttals
Karl Rove "A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position...To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by substituting a superficially similar proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position." Wikipedia
Random Thoughts
by Thomas Sowell Townhall "...there was a comic book character who could say the magic word "Shazam" and turn into Captain Marvel, a character with powers like Superman's. Today, you can say the magic word "diversity" and turn reverse discrimination into social justice."
Clinton’s North Korean Odyssey
by Bruce S. Thornton Victor Davis Hanson "More proof to our enemies that the U.S. is weak and vulnerable — courtesy of Bill Clinton."...."And to reinforce the perception of its power, a major power must be willing to take actions that demonstrate that it is worthy of this respect."
Sheila Jackson Lee: On the hotline
PowerLine Blog "Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee explains her making or taking a call while a question was posed to her at a townhall by the lady who testified to the excellent heath care treatment she received for her cancer. It turns out that, according to Rep. Lee, she was on the congressional health care hotline..." Whatever you do, do NOT call this lady from a pay phone.
A CIA Special Prosecutor: A Wolf in Wolf's Clothing
Heritage "...he should reject the appointment of a "special prosecutor." History has shown that special prosecutors are unaccountable and often widen the scope of their initial charge well past that contemplated by anyone."
Speaking in Mexico, Obama Calls American Opponents of Immigration Amnesty ‘Demagogues’
CNS News "...whether you think that the blows you're taking now on health care and that the Democrats are likely to take around the midterm elections will make it hard, if not impossible, to achieve comprehensive immigration reform in this term..."
Newly elected Democrats waver on health plan
Financial Times "Frank Kratovil and Tom Perriello, who as freshmen congressmen would be expected to back the party leadership, both say proposals for expanding coverage to the uninsured are unacceptable in their current form and should focus more on cost savings."
Friday, August 14, 2009
Afghan Governance
By Max Boot Commentary Magazine
"I am mildly cheered by news that Ashraf Ghani, a respected technocrat who is also running against Karzai, may be offered a prime-minister-style position to run things on behalf of the aloof and somewhat disengaged president."
Will Electric Cars Crash The Grid?
IBD "The Chevy Volt is said to be able to get 230 miles per gallon. That's if it's continually plugged into a fragile and overburdened power grid. Where will you be when the lights go out?"
The debate over Israel: Left vs. Right
Israel and Obama’s America Watching America "More importantly, today, the state of the relationship between Israel and Barack Obama’s America is way more politically dangerous than the coalition’s internal problems. In fact, for the first time in over 18 years, Washington’s government has Israel’s government looking down the barrel."
Obama's America is not delivering the goods Haaretz "To hell with Obama. The settlers continue to move into more homes in East Jerusalem, Netanyahu is silent and Israelis sense that the "danger" has passed. Israel is once again permitted to do as it pleases. The landlord has once again gone insane. Except that the landlord has gone insane because the real landlord is showing signs of weakness, signs of folding, signs of losing interest in events in the region that most endangers world peace. "
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