Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pat Oliphant, Washington Post

Allen B West: Column from Kandahar

Atlas Shrugs "One must find it comical that the same folks who brought you the professional community organizer President are attacking citizens organizing. We have seen anti-war protests by Code Pink, PETA tossing blood on individuals, left wing enviro-terrorist groups attacking SUV dealerships, ACORN and SEIU protests, and even voter intimidation at polling stations (New Black Panther Party, Philadelphia). Yet, concerned American citizens are called extremists?"

Woodstock: 40 Years Ago, An Orgy for the Quickening of America’s Fall

Debbie Schlussel "They, the rockers, and the hippies, yippies, and other numbskulls making up the boomer generation at this infest-o-fest brought us free love . . . and STDs and AIDs, single mothers and baby mamas, and a whole new hipness to out-of-wedlock births that has brought us crime waves, sensitive men a/k/a wimps, and a whole lot of other problems."

Axelrod's Crazy 8s

IBD "Health Care: After a presidential "town hall" with few, if any, critics present to question false claims, the top White House political strategist provided an odd follow-up: an e-mail to everyone promising everything."

Live or Let Die

American Spectator "...And suddenly life and death health decisions evolve from something that is between you, your faith, your family, and your doctor, into highly-politicized issues that are the business of government and your fellow taxpayers."

Obama's Montana town hall not quite the 'Wild West'

Washington Examiner "Bozeman, Montana is a college town with many resident yuppies and is a home for multi-millionaires looking to buy their own piece of the West."
Glenn Foden, Townhall

Prairie-Fire Anger

Victor Davis Hanson "...I underestimated the righteous anger of those who are daily deprecated by a utopian class — one that has neither the ability nor the fortitude to achieve what it now wishes to undo in others."

The Hillary Doctrine

Wall Street Journal "Iran will likely be the acid test of the administration's outreach to Moscow. In efforts to engage, without preconditions, the world's rogue regimes, the early trial run looks to be Syria."

Who are the uninsured and should we pay to cover them?

Powerline "Obama knows he needs a big number of "uninsured" to even get in the vicinity of selling what he has in mind to a skeptical public. But the big number he has selected would not get him in the vicinity if the public better understood who it consists of."...."Whatever you think of either the justice or the wisdom of such a policy, it is not worth turning our health care system upside down in order to achieve."

Lefty boycott succeeding in getting advertisers to drop Glenn Beck

HotAir "Exit question: Just what would [Olbermann] have to say or do to warrant a rightroots boycott of Countdown’s advertisers? He can’t sink much lower. Someone set the bar, quick!"

Emanuel Wields Power Freely, and Faces the Risks

NY Times "At times, it seems as if Mr. Emanuel is White House chief of staff, political director, legislative director and communications director all rolled into one. He has fingers in almost every decision, like who gets invited to social events at the White House and how to shape economic and foreign policy."