Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Obama Administration Releases Names of Secret Terror Suspects

Gateway Pundit "Why would the Pentagon want to keep their names secret anyway? "The Pentagon has previously said that providing information about these detainees could jeopardize counter-terrorism efforts."It would seem then, that Obama no longer cares about such efforts."

Cuban Generation Y Blogger Mocks Che T-shirt Wearers

Newsbusters "I am part of the counterculture, and the counterculture is growing, but it is very diverse. Maybe one thing we all have in common is that we don't wear Che T-shirts, like foreign kids who consider themselves counterculture do,'' she says. ``In Cuba, Che represents the government. In Cuba, only tourists and members of the Young Communist League wear Che shirts.''

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Huckabee: Evangelicals More Supportive of Israel than U.S. Jews

Christian Post Some evangelicals disagree, however.

CIA interrogation program highlights lack of moral courage

BLACKFIVE "Now we have reached a point where we have told our enemies that we are not willing to actively interrogate them if they are captured. We have abdicated our responsibility to prevent evil and when future acts of terror kill innocents we are guilty for that failure."

Lisa Benson cartoon


Cheney was right; Obama's wrong

American Thinker "The activities of the CIA in carrying out the policies of the Bush Administration were directly responsible for defeating all efforts by al Qaeda to launch further mass casualty attacks against the United States. The people involved deserve our gratitude. They do not deserve to be the targets of political investigations or prosecutions. " Dick Cheney

Liberal Fascism is not a book anymore

American Thinker "The fog is clearing, and the Progressive path is becoming clearer. At his Liberal Fascism blog, author Jonah Goldberg starkly recapitulates the progress of the State under Obama:.."

Statement from Dr. Charles Krauthammer about his American Experiment Annual Dinner Remarks

American Experiment "This account is neither accurate nor authoritative. My views on Obama are well known. I’ve explained them in a series of five columns. "...."My views are clearly spelled out in that series of columns and subsequent writings. Anyone who wants to know my views should consult those and not this email. Charles Krauthammer"

Britain forced to fly in foreign doctors to fill in physician gaps

American Thinker "What happens to doctors under nationalized health insurance?They become like any union and negotiate for more money while working less. Doctors in Great Britain recently signed a contract that gives them evening and weekends off while paying them more. Of course, that leaves patients high and dry if they happen to need a doctor after hours."

Gary McCoy cartoon


John Stossel's Take: Every Critic a Racist

ABC News "Come on. Every president eventually is criticized by the media – even one as “transcendent” as Obama. The President’s supporters should engage his critics with facts, not charges of racism."

Republicans Say Obama Administration Is Hampering U.S. Intelligence Efforts

CNS News "...Dick Cheney told The Weekly Standard, a conservative journal, that the decision "serves as a reminder, if any were needed, of why so many Americans have doubts about this administration's ability to be responsible for our nation's security.""