Sunday, September 20, 2009

One woman Michelle Obama will not mention

By Michelle Malkin "I’m re-printing my June 19, 2009 blog post and column again here in its entirety to get the message out about Michelle Obama’s role in creating a health care horror story she won’t be publicizing. I repeat: What have you done for Dontae Adams, lately, Mr. and Mrs. O?"

The Stimulus

Hat tip to Michelle Malkin

More Naiveté

By Max Boot "There is a danger that Obama is now sending a similar signal of weakness—one that will discourage our allies in Eastern Europe, who went out on a limb to stand with the United States, and one that will encourage our enemies, who will conclude that the U.S. will back down under duress."

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

Weekly Standard "And given Obama's (literally) submissive posture to the Saudis, his indulgence of the Iranians, and his simultaneously hard-line approach to Israel, it seems even some of Obama's supporters can savor the possibility of a "reverse Liberty." " A holdover from the Carter administration. Enough said?

A Stab in the Back

Weekly Standard "Even those who agree with the administration's approach concede that the rollout was clumsy--middle of the night phone calls and little prior consultation. In July 2007, Senator Obama criticized his predecessor for this very thing. The Bush administration, he said, had "done a poor job of consulting its NATO allies about the deployment of a missile defense system that has major implications for all of them." In addition to the geopolitical implications of this con-cession to Russia, there are several major problems with the administration's plan." The Poles and the Czechs should be used to this from Western democracies.

Once Again, It’s ACLJ vs. ACLU

ACLJ Trial Notebook "We represent Judge James DeWeese of Richland County, Ohio who has been sued by the ACLU for a poster he placed in his courtroom called “Philosophies of Law in Conflict.”"

Palin’s Advocacy: The Turning Point in Health Care Reform Debate

Pajamas Media "For an uneducated, unsophisticated rube and former governor from a backwater state, Sarah Palin sure can drive a debate. With prospects for passage of his sweeping overhaul of the American health care delivery system fading with every speech, President Barack Obama is making it increasingly clear that Palin will be recognized, for good or ill, as perhaps the most prominent single political figure responsible for stopping it in its tracks."

Military growing impatient with Obama on Afghanistan

Miami Herald "Those officials said that taking time could be costly because the U.S. risked losing the Afghans' support. "Dithering is just as destructive as 10 car bombs," the senior official in Kabul said. "They have seen us leave before. They are really good at picking the right side to ally with."" Hat tip to Weasel Zippers.

Are you a racist? "Obama Criticism Flow Chart" "It’s pretty exhausting trying to keep track of what is legitimate criticism of President Obama and what is racial hatred. That’s why I developed this handy flow chart:..."

Dr. Barack and Mr. Obama; Voters learn that Obama is not the man they thought.

By Victor Davis Hanson Powerful, as usual "Obama’s real problem is not conservative rabble-rousers at town halls or Republican activists. Rather, it is the Democratic rank and file. They may rewarm with an improving economy, but for now they are discovering that just as Obama could take them individually to great heights last fall, so too he could soon bring them down collectively to unprecedented depths."

Desperate measures on the left

By Thomas Lifson "The left is quite properly terrified of the widespread and broad-based populist movement building in America in opposition to Obama's transformation strategy. They never counted on this happening. Expert astroturfers themselves, they are not really familiar with the notion of a genuinely popular political movement."

Madeleine Albright: "America Has No Intention of Being First Nation of the World"

Gateway Pundit "Madeleine Albright, a democratic expert on foreign policy, let her hair down during a recent speech to Russian students in Omsk." They must have wondered how could they lose the cold war to THESE people?