Sunday, September 27, 2009

The President Risks Getting Stale

By Karl Rove "It sounded to White House advisers like a good idea. Put President Barack Obama on five Sunday morning talk shows. This would focus attention on health care, re-establish momentum, and show off Mr. Obama's passion, intelligence, and persuasive abilities. It didn't work. Mr. Obama made a classic mistake of politicians on a downward-bending arc. He jumps out in front of the cameras without having something fresh to offer. " Could Prezbo have jumped the shark?

NBC's [Law & Order] DA McCoy: 'It's About Time Somebody' Prosecuted Bush Officials for Torture

Newsbusters "By the end of the episode, “McCoy” has added former Vice President Cheney and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to his indictment. Incredibly, the case brought by a local DA against federal employees over the conduct of their official duties goes to trial, but before a verdict is rendered a federal court orders the trial stopped -- thus getting NBC out of the bind of either characterizing the Bush administration as guilty or not guilty." Gateway Pundit "I've quit watching main L&O for at least a few years b/c of anti-Conservative/Christian/business biases of the show. They have had anti-torture cases in the past during the Bush admin. Not a new story line, frankly. Of course, they stretch things to get their local prosecutors and cops involved in such political issues." From the comments section.

Ramirez: A familiar smell at the UN

Hot Air "Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist noted Hugo Chavez’s pleasure at not smelling sulphur when he spoke at the UN podium this week, unlike his last appearance when he went out of his way to personally insult then-President George W. Bush."

They're Back

JINSA "What's the problem? The problem is that it walks the world back more than 60 years, restores the Cold War balance of power, and reminds countries yet again that America's reliability as an ally is questionable. [What Americans think of as an admirable change in leadership every four or eight years is sometimes seen by others as dangerous instability. And sometimes it is.]"

I Intend to Protest Your Protest

by Mike Adams "Members of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) at Michigan State University (MSU) didn’t know what they were getting into when they tried to suppress the free speech rights of Professor Indrek Wichman." Read more.... "Indrek Wichman is not your typical college professor. He is a true First Amendment hero. "

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Learning to Love the French: When Sarkozy Spoke Truth to Obama

Claudia Rosett /Pajamas Media "President Obama himself has said that he dreams of a world without nuclear weapons. Before our very eyes, two countries are doing exactly the opposite at this very moment. Since 2005, Iran has violated five Security Council Resolutions. ...I support America’s extended hand. But what have these proposals for dialogue produced for the international community? Nothing but more enriched uranium and more centrifuges. And last but not least, it has resulted in a statement by Iranian leaders calling for wiping off the map a Member of the United Nations. What are we to do? What conclusion are we to draw? At a certain moment hard facts will force us to take decisions."

Michael Yon; report from the battlefield

Michael Yon "Some of the smokescreens are less important but they are demonstrative of the pattern: On 20 August a, CH-47 helicopter was shot down by a Taliban RPG during a British Special Forces mission. Richardson reported that the aircraft landed due to an engine fire. Some hours later, while I was on a mission nearby, the Taliban were singing over the radios about shooting it down. I heard the rumble when the helicopter was destroyed by airstrikes. The Taliban knew they hit the helicopter. So who is Richardson lying to? Not the enemy…unless the enemy is the British public."

McChrystal troops request shelved pending review

Yahoo News "The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan has submitted a request for more troops, a spokesman said Saturday, but the Pentagon will hold it while President Barack Obama decides what strategy to pursue."

Sarah Palin on Yom Kippur..... "may G-d Bless the Jewish people"

Atlas Shrugs "A speech was given at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday that was full of hateful anti-Semitic rhetoric. It was a shameful display before a body whose very charter is premised on the need for co-operation and harmony in pursuit of peaceful co-existence between nations. Such talk was especially abhorrent coming as it did during the Jewish High Holidays."

Gary Varvel cartoon

World Magazine