Sunday, September 27, 2009

NBC's [Law & Order] DA McCoy: 'It's About Time Somebody' Prosecuted Bush Officials for Torture

Newsbusters "By the end of the episode, “McCoy” has added former Vice President Cheney and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to his indictment. Incredibly, the case brought by a local DA against federal employees over the conduct of their official duties goes to trial, but before a verdict is rendered a federal court orders the trial stopped -- thus getting NBC out of the bind of either characterizing the Bush administration as guilty or not guilty." Gateway Pundit "I've quit watching main L&O for at least a few years b/c of anti-Conservative/Christian/business biases of the show. They have had anti-torture cases in the past during the Bush admin. Not a new story line, frankly. Of course, they stretch things to get their local prosecutors and cops involved in such political issues." From the comments section.

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