Thursday, October 1, 2009

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez


By Neal Boortz "Now I realize that Obama's media myrmidons won't give the Republicans any credit for their health reform plans, so maybe Grayson just missed these points. Wanting people to be able to buy their health insurance across state lines means you want them to die, right? Wanting people to be able to deduct the cost of their health insurance they way their employers do means you want them to die, right?"

“Political payback”: Michelle on Obama’s Chicago Olympics cronyism

Hot Air "A fine illustration of the answer she’s (Michelle Malkin) given to critics of her book: No, it’s not that Obama and his inner circle are any more corrupt than other political chieftains, merely that they’re not any less corrupt, contrary to what the Hopenchange mythos would have you believe.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Taliban to Germany: Leave Afghanistan or lose Oktoberfest

CS Monitor "The insurgents' threat to bomb the famous festival is apparently meant to weaken Germany's resolve for the fight in Afghanistan. It follows similar warnings issued by the Taliban and Al Qaeda ahead of Sunday's elections."

Keeping Your Doctor Under the Senate Finance Proposal

Joint Economic Committee/ Republicans Print out and laminate this chart because you may need it.

US names secret terror suspects

USS Neverdock ""Foreign fighters" in Iraq and Afghanistan? Now who might they be? Why would the Pentagon want to keep their names secret anyway? "The Pentagon has previously said that providing information about these detainees could jeopardize counter-terrorism efforts.""

Obama Can't Outsource Afghanistan

By Karl Rove "Mr. Obama's predecessor faced a similar situation: a war that was grinding on, pressure to withdraw troops, and conflicting advice—including from some who saw the war as unwinnable. But George W. Bush talked to generals on the ground every week or two, which gave him a window into what was happening and insights into how his commanders thought. That helped him judge their recommendations on strategy."

"...More Liberal Lies About National Healthcare! "

By Ann Coulter "The main causes of infant mortality -- aside from major birth defects -- are prematurity and low birth-weight. And the main causes of low birth-weight are: smoking, illegitimacy and teenage births. Americans lead most of the developed world in all three categories."

Sarkozy Says Obama Is Incredibly Naive and Grossly Egotistical (video)

Drk Skies Blog "From Greta’s interview with Jack Kelly…"

Welcome to Kids for Obama From 2008 "10 Ways Kids for Obama can get involved: *Create a Kids for Obama Group on For example, Chicago Kids for Obama or DC Kids for Obama and throw a party! *Write a letter or editorial to your local news paper, expressing "Why Barack Obama should become the next US President"."

US: No `snap judgment' this week on Iran nukes

Yahoo News "The Obama administration, while skeptical of an early breakthrough in nuclear talks with Iran, indicated Tuesday it does not intend to swiftly press for stiffer economic sanctions."

Time to Act Like a President

Washington Post "Obama lost credibility with his deadline-that-never-was, and now he threatens to lose some more with his posturing toward Iran. He has gotten into a demeaning dialogue with Ahmadinejad, an accomplished liar. ...Obama is our version of a Supreme Leader, not given to making idle threats, setting idle deadlines, reversing course on momentous issues, creating a TV crisis where none existed or, unbelievably, pitching Chicago for the 2016 Olympics. Obama's the president. Time he understood that."