Friday, October 23, 2009

First, they came for Fox News...

Ethel C. Fenig in AT "Barack Obama, (D) the first African-American president in the history of the US, added a dubious first to his presidency--for the first time in the history of the US the president banned an entire network from the White House press pool. Which network? Why the one the administration is futilely trying to delegitimize but is only helping--Fox, of course."

Not socialism; Gangsterism

Rick Moran in AT "How about another one? Well [Obama] threatened to send the IRS to audit officials from Arizona State University who refused to grant him an honorary degree, citing his lack of experience...""I think a big problem about countering this administration is that most of us are in a state of shock that an American president would use such tactics - and as Strassel says - use them so openly, so brazenly."

Imprison Here, Release Here

By Andrew C. McCarthy "If Guantanamo Bay is closed, scores of trained jihadists, committed to killing Americans, will be released to dwell among us: It is that simple."....

Alice's 'hell house'

World Magazine "At the root of Cooper's transformation was his becoming a Christian sometime before he recorded 1994's The Last Temptation, his last recording for a major label (Epic) and his first to leaven the macabre with a biblical understanding of spiritual warfare. It's a mindset that has continued to affect his work, particularly Brutal Planet (2000) and Dragontown (2001)."

Obama's 'National Resource Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Elders'

Washington Examiner "HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today announced plans to establish thenation's first national resource center to assist communities across thecountry in their efforts to provide services and supports for olderlesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals."

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Poll: US belief in global warming is cooling

AJC, h/t to Neal Boortz The press seems upset by this. Americans increasingly skeptical of global warming alarmism By Michael Barone "To what do I attribute this decline in belief in global warming? ....that the election of Obama and a Congress with larger Democratic majorities has raised the real-world possibility of legislation that could inflict serious damage on our economy in order to avert a danger predicted by global warming alarmists’ computer models for the far distant future."

MSNBC Anchors Lash Out at Cheney; Wonder If He’s of a ‘Rational, Healthy Mind'

Newsbusters "MSNBC certainly does nothing to negate its image as reflexive defenders of everything the President does. Shuster and Hall seemed to take great offense at Cheney’s offense of speaking out. "

The Price of Prop 8

Heritage "Publicly available sources, including evidence submitted in a federal lawsuit in California, show that expressions of support for Prop 8 have generated a range of hostilities and harms that includes harassment, intimidation, vandalism, racial scapegoating, blacklisting, loss of employment, economic hardships, angry protests, violence, at least one death threat, and gross expressions of anti-religious bigotry."

Olbermann Bashed Bush Administration for Criticizing NBC in 2008

Newsbusters "So, when the Bush adminstration pushed back on NBC, the person responsible was listed as one of the worst people in the world. And when Sen. McCain pushed back on NBC, Olbermann called him a whiner and told him to grow up. " Yet, when the Obama administration goes after Fox, Olbermann sees it as good news."

Obama's Thuggery

Powerline "Maybe Obama thought everyone in Washington would be his great friend. Having encountered un-Chicago-like dissent and disagreement, he has responded with classic Chicago brass knuckles. We'll see how far this kind of thuggery gets him." Related: Obama's 'Chicago-style politics:' Boehner

Sequel: "Attention Righteous Atlas Activists: Israeli Doctors Will Be Allowed to Attend Susan G Komen Cancer Research Conference in Egypt"

Atlas Shrugs "Let me thank each Atlas reader who wrote (and cc'ed me), called, and withdrew his or her donation to the Susan G Komen Foundation for sanctioning Jew hatred. I salute your greatness. Sufficient pressure was applied and the decision has been reversed. I was just advised by Doctors Against Racism."