Sunday, November 22, 2009

Deliberative Analysis, RIP

American Thinker "A troubling trend has emerged in regard to hot-button issues like [Man-caused] Global Warming and health care. It may not come as a surprise, but there no longer appears to be an interest by many on the left to engage in deliberative analysis and debate about proposed legislation. There are a handful of stereotypical accusations and responses from the left, whether from the Democrat leadership, including the President, or the average, everyday liberal. These irrational attacks must be addressed, broken down, and put away for good."

Obama's Presidency Has Been Nothing But One Big SNL Skit: SNL Makes Fun Of Obama's Trip To China...

Weasel Zippers Obama travels the world kissing what?

NYT: Conservatives Are "Cowards" Because They Oppose Holding Civilian Trial For Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in NYC...

Weasel Zippers "And what galls us most is having watched for years as politicians like Shadegg used fear-mongering about 9/11 and the threat of attacks as a political tool."

Burkha Barbie

"She said: 'We are delighted Sotheby's and the designer chose to auction the burka Barbie dolls for our charity.' The money will go towards the Rewrite the Future campaign which helps millions of children around the world effected by conflict."

The Obama/Holder Bushwhack

American Thinker "For the first time in U.S. history, because of the irresponsibility of the Obama administration, unlawful enemy combatants (make that "unprivileged enemy belligerents") who committed an act of war against the United States will be charged with war crimes in a civilian court on U.S. soil. Must we endure an Obama apology to Herman Goering and Hideki Tojo? Obama wants to wake up in the city that doesn't sleep to find he's king of the hill, top of the heap. Let's hope it's not another heap of rubble."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

When Our Military Is Attacked, Obama Is a Nowhere Man

By Robin of Berkeley "...And that's why Obama should never have been elected president."...."The person can even lack experience if he or she is committed to working 24/7, learning the important stuff, and seeking expert advice. But there's one requirement that is nonnegotiable: Any viable candidate for president needs to be able to care about us. And, frankly, I don't know if this president is capable of it. " Robin is a licensed psychotherapist and a recovering liberal in Berkeley.

MSNBC Should Fire Norah O’Donnell

Verum Serum "Actually, this is much worse than Susan Roesgen. Susan Roesgen, biased as she was, was at least speaking off-the-cuff. Norah O’Donnell actually set up this little gotcha moment as if she were Michael Moore. She didn’t know the facts (or wasn’t sure of them), so she had to check them on her blackberry, but then she made it look as if it were all spur of the moment."...."Susan Roesgen deserved to lose her job. CNN chose not to let blatant on-air bias define them. What Norah O’Donnell did is worse. MSNBC should fire Norah O’Donnell. Until that happens (I won’t hold my breath) some enterprising reporter should ask Robert Gibbs if this is why MSNBC is the White House’s favorite network."

Nidal Hasan and Fort Hood; A Study in Muslim Doctrine

By Raymond Ibrahim "While the media wonders in exasperation why he did it, offering the same old tired and trite reasons — he was "picked on," he was "mentally unbalanced" — the fact is his behavior comports well with certain Islamic doctrines. As such, it behooves Americans to take a moment and familiarize themselves with the esotericisms of Islam."

Historic health care bill clears Senate hurdle

Yahoo News "The 60-39 vote cleared the way for a bruising, full-scale debate beginning after Thanksgiving on the legislation, which is designed to extend coverage to roughly 31 million who lack it, crack down on insurance company practices that deny or dilute benefits and curtail the growth of spending on medical care nationally."

Founder Of The Weather Channel And 30,000 Other Scientists Wanting To Sue Al Gore For Global Warming Fraud

Weasel Zippers So do it. Now. (As always with WZ, language advisory.)

Sen. Blanche Lincoln also on board, 60 in hand

Politico "Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) said she’d deliver the deciding vote to push forward with a sweeping health reform plan in the Senate Saturday, ending days of speculation over whether President Barack Obama’s signature priority would proceed to the floor or suffer a debilitating blow. " As Pelosi will say, "the American people have spoken!"

Senate Health Vote Set For Saturday Night

Rogue Government "The Senate will vote at 8 pm Saturday to cut off debate on a motion to proceed to the healthcare reform bill. If 60 senators support the motion, the chamber would automatically adopt the motion to proceed to the bill and then depart. The Senate would begin amending the bill after the Thanksgiving recess."