Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Bush Did It! And, Really, Bush Did It! And Bush Really Did It!
Victor Davis Hanson "All things being equal, the idea that a terrorist will spend a lot of time in a cell in Cuba if caught seems much less of a recruiting tool than hearing that your enemy has banned the use of “war against terror,” made up grand achievements of your civilization, apologized for his country’s sins, publicly bowed to prominent autocratic Muslims, promised a public trial in New York for your heroic mastermind of 9/11, and in general blamed the war on his predecessor. All that seems quite an encouragement to join al Qaeda in comparison to the punishment of incarceration if caught."
Will Reid's problems slow health care reform?
Rick Moran, AT " "Whether this dynamic actually gives Pelosi any real traction in the big debates remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Reid is weakened both inside the Capitol and back home and Pelosi is heading into health care negotiation with a long wish list for the House." What the article fails to mention is that the more Pelosi adds stuff from the House bill, the less likely moderate senators will be to support the final product."
Your Negro, My Macaca: Let’s not get into this smarmy business.
By Mona Charen, NRO "Senator Reid used the word “Negro.” It’s out of date, but is it now offensive? Is it the new “N” word? Just a blink of an eye ago, “black” was the preferred locution. Jesse Jackson decided it should be “African American,” and the country went along. But the slower adopters (even your humble columnist, who prefers less orotund expressions) sometimes still say “black.” How long until that becomes a sin?"
Martha Coakley Is Not Just Wrong on Terror War – She’s Dangerous (Must-See Video)
Gateway Pundit "On Monday Senate Candidate Martha Coakley told Massachusetts voters that it was time to pull out of Afghanistan. Coakley said she was not sure there was a way to succeed.
“I think we have done what we are going to be able to do in Afghanistan. I think that we should plan an exit strategy. Yes. I’m not sure there is a way to succeed. If the goal was and the mission in Afghanistan was to go in because we believed that the Taliban was giving harbor to terrorists. We supported that. I supported that. They’re gone. They’re not there anymore.”"
No Way to Run a War
Jennifer Rubin, Commentary "....But of course, being commander in chief requires much more. It entails an ongoing process of rallying the country, explaining our mission, tamping down infighting, publicly supporting our military commanders, and assuring friends and foes that we’re committed to victory. Unfortunately, Obama seems to have other things to do. The country and his own image will suffer as a result."
P.C. Never Died/ Think campus censorship disappeared in the 1990s? Guess again.
Reason.com "The student desperately explained that it was an ordinary history book, not a racist tract, and that it in fact celebrated the defeat of the Klan in a 1924 street fight. Nonetheless, the school, without even bothering to hold a hearing, found the student guilty of “openly reading [a] book related to a historically and racially abhorrent subject.” "
Harry Reid Trashed White America
Lloyd Marcus, AT "Reid owes white America an apology and his resignation. This will never happen because democrats and the mainstream media believe it is OK to trash white America. Liberals have been portraying white America, mainly white males, as racist villains who victimize everyone from Christopher Columbus to the current Tea Party patriots."
Hamas Terrorists Guaranteed Code Pink’s Safety in Gaza
BigGovernment "Since its inception in 2002, Code Pink has worked closely with terrorist groups and state sponsors of terrorism to undermine the United States’ efforts in the war on terror. At the same time, the group has been embraced by the ‘progressive’ wing of the Democratic party at all levels, including the White House. Code Pink’s latest trip to Gaza was timed to mark the one year anniversary of Israel’s defensive action in Gaza in December, 2008 to stop Hamas’ indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israeli civilians."
"Game Change": "Political reporting" means "royal court gossip"
Salon.com "As this book and the excitement it has produced demonstrates, providing that distraction is exactly what our press corps most loves to do and what it does best. The media sleazebags who turned Bill Clinton's penile spots, cigars and semen stains into headline news for two straight years haven't gone anywhere; they're actually stronger and more dominant than ever."
The next health-'reform' step
NY Post "Democrats can't afford to lose a single vote in the Senate and have just a three-vote margin in the House. If they're going to resolve these and other important issues in ways that keep both liberal House members and moderate senators on board, it won't be pretty. The final outcome is likely to have a lot more to do with special deals than with good public policy.
No wonder they don't want us to see it." h/t to Neal Boortz.
"...For example, in a Q&A just yesterday in Washington, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka predicted ... (the card check bill) would pass in "the first quarter of 2010." He then said that this would help to create jobs. He could not be more wrong. Studies show that the card check bill is a jobs killer - likely increasing the US unemployment rate and decreasing job creation."
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