Friday, January 15, 2010

US vs. Israel

Commentary " “We think the way forward … is full implementation of the Arab peace initiative,” Mitchell declared. “That’s the comprehensive peace in the region that is the objective set forth by the president.” The Arab initiative mandates a full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines — every last inch of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. It also demands a solution to the refugee problem “in accordance with UN General Assembly Resolution 194,” which Arabs interpret as allowing the refugees to “return” to Israel."

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do Three People Have a Right to Marry Each Other?

Terence P. Jeffrey , CNS News "Any inquiry aimed at discovering the nature of marriage must ultimately arrive at one of two conclusions: Either marriage is something with an absolute nature ordained by God and thus unchangeable; or it is an artificial thing, created by human beings on their own authority, and thus changeable according to the whims of whatever members of the human race happen to gain the political power needed to define it for the rest of the species. "

When Conservative Felonies Become Liberal Misdemeanors

Victor Davis Hanson "Palin, remember, was also lampooned for flubbing ABC’s Charlie Gibson’s gotcha question about defining the Bush Doctrine, and botching a number of Katie Couric’s inquiries.But the press corps was quiet when Biden told Couric he thought Franklin Delano Roosevelt had not only been president in 1929, but had addressed the nation about the recent Depression on television — well before TV was commercially available."

The Travails of Martha Coakley

National Review ‘A campaign lacking in soul and a candidate lacking in heart.’

An Obama-GOP Entente on Terror

WSJ "This crucially important corner of the Obama presidency deserves the support from Republicans and conservatives. The Reid-Pelosi Democrats obliterated Sen. Arthur Vandenberg's useful Cold War dictum that politics stops at the water's edge. That was one of the most dangerous casualties of the past decade, telling the al Qaeda network we were hopelessly divided about our own security. Republicans have a chance to show the Democrats, and the American people, how a responsible opposition handles national security and foreign policy. No opposition should roll over for a president, but rolling over its own country is worse. As with the support for the president on Afghanistan, an Obama-GOP entente on terror is in the nation's immediate national interest."

Mike Ramirez cartoon

IBD Editorials

Faintest Signs Of Double-Standard Detected In Media Overculture

Ed Driscoll "...If by “racist,” you mean somebody who feels antagonism toward black people, then Harry Reid isn’t a racist. Harry Reid thinks we are racists. If by “racist” you mean somebody who would use other people’s feelings about race in a purely instrumental way to amass political power, then Harry Reid is a racist."

Miss Him Yet?

Weasel Zippers "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it." 'Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.'

Oddly, we would feel better and safer with these folks in charge:

Truths We Dare Not Speak

Victor Davis Hanson "There are a number of things we simply no longer talk about. The silence is partly due to intellectual laziness. Or maybe it is because of political correctness—or even attributable to ignorance and the absence of curiosity. In no particular order, I list five propositions that simply have become taboo."

Harry Reid's Negro Problem

Ann Coulter "The "whereas" clauses can include the Democrats' history of supporting slavery, segregation, racial preferences, George Wallace and Bull Connor -- and also a precis of their treatment of dark-skinned Clarence Thomas."...." President Bush appointed the first black secretary of state and then the first black female secretary of state. Meanwhile, the closest black woman to Bill Clinton was his secretary, Betty Currie. The one sitting black Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas, was appointed by a Republican."

The D Handicap

Jennifer Rubin "Michael Barone thinks Martha Coakley showed her true stripes and may have tipped the race by ignoring the shoving of reporter John McCormack in front of her eyes."