Monday, January 18, 2010

Clinton’s Little White Lie About Haiti

Sweetness & Light "So we believe it is fairly safe to say that Mr. Clinton was er… mis-remembering, as the Clintons are wont to do. But at least there weren’t any churches being burned in this latest fantasy. Or, sniper fire. Anyway, Mr. Clinton is probably not the person who should be writing about what Haiti needs, since he used the US military to restore Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power in 1994. And we know how well that turned out."

GOP lawyers say Paul Kirk will no longer be a [Massachusetts]senator after election day.

Fred Barnes In The Weekly Standard "If Brown wins narrowly and a recount is being conducted, Democratic lawyers might claim that he hasn’t been “duly elected.” Republican attorneys believe, however, that a candidate has actually been elected, though it won’t be clear who that is until the recount is completed. In Massachusetts, a recount can occur if the margin of victory is less than half a percent of the total vote."

The Legal Assault on our Counterterror program

Blackfive "This will not be the last challenge to this program.We suggest a treaty that enshrines such a right similar to pacts that recognize piracy as a borderless crime. Failure to do so could leave our forces in danger of actions from organizations that claim a Universal Jurisdiction over what they consider war crimes. "

Poseur Alert- Do you know this wanker?

Blackfive "The guy in the picture ... is wearing a one star General's mess dress uniform w/ so many medals and badges it is hard to know where to start. Either he is the youngest one star John Wayne/Audie Murphy combo, who decided to set a new trend by sporting a soul patch and an earring."

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Picture emerging of Obama as arrogant, bored, and 'peevish' about campaign

Ed Lasky, AT "Running throughout the book is the pass that major media continually gave Barack Obama. All these instances of his conduct and revelations of his feeling bored, fatigued, irritated, annoyed were readily available real time in 2008. Instead the media fell into line and refused to report." ...."why does Barack Obama always get a pass from the media -- always?"

The measure of a man

Jeannie DeAngelis, AT "Yesterday, America witnessed a similar display of humbleness. George W. Bush, criticized, mocked, humiliated, blamed and dishonored by both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, put the needs of the Haitian people before personal feelings and pride."

Secrets of TV news: Confessions of an anchorman

Daily Caller "Here’s the formula. Highly trained Anchorman (booming authoritative, focus-group-tested voice at the ready) or better yet, Anchorwoman (compassionate voice and pouty face, furrowed brow at the ready), reads the headline, tosses to reporter. Hyperventilating reporter further frightens with victim sound bite, followed by sound bite from plaintiff attorney (”This poor victim needs to be compensated.”). Followed by politician sound bite (”I’m introducing legislation …”) followed by reporter tag, which may or may not include response from big, bad, deep-pocketed corporation." ....“The XYZ company was unavailable for comment at news time.”

Democratic 'tolerance' rears its ugly head in Mass. Senate race

Beltway Confidential "With Democrat Martha Coakley on the ropes and having run a very negative and below-the-belt campaign, she's set quite a tone for her supporters. The Democratic base are now lashing out at Scott Brown supporters in the streets. It's not a pretty sight -- be forewarned, strong language ahead:"

Sarah Palin at Mid-Career

Thomas Lifson, AT "Sarah Palin's debut on FOX News last week engendered the usual disdain from the usual suspects, but more significantly, not much enthusiasm from her fans. The ratings were great, but it is clear that the governor has not yet mastered the skill set of a television pundit. Still, it is too soon write her off as a figure not taken seriously in public life -- a twenty-first century Dan Quayle And this: Palin's Curious First Week at Fox "So while the O'Reilly segment was first and full of interruptions, let's start with the unorthodox Beck interview."

Obama Website Continues to Pay Tribute to Honor Killing Advocate

Atlas Shrugs "Back in 2008 I exposed the misogyny, jihad, Jew hatred, racism, and bigotry on Obama's campaign website. The poison was of such quantity, it needed its own category. Even more disturbing is the fact that it continues under the OFA Obama website. Fresh on the heels of the two year anniversary of the brutal islamic honor killing of Sarah and Amina Said, I went back and reviewed Obama's website. I was shocked and appalled that Barack Hussein Obama still had a web page paying tribute to a very influential Muslim advocating for honor killings."

NPR Teabags America

Pajamas Media "Accusations of paranoia are then levied. It seems that those of us who fear bureaucrats coming between ourselves and our doctors are disturbed. Not surprisingly, evidence suggests otherwise. The Oregon Health Plan is a precursor to Obamacare and, in 2008, its functionaries turned down cancer sufferer Barbara Wagner’s request for doctor-prescribed medication which she hoped would save her life. Their rejection letter stated, “Treatment of advanced cancer that is meant to prolong life, or change the course of this disease, is not a covered benefit of the Oregon Health Plan.” Well, there it is. They did charitably offer to finance her suicide, though, thus revealing the disinterested nature and lack of accountability inherent to your average government bureaucrat.