Monday, January 18, 2010

Holder’s Haste Makes Waste of Intel/ Abdulmutallab indictment is a bill of lost intelligence opportunities.

Andrew C. McCarthy "[Abdulmullatab] been training with al-Qaeda for weeks in Yemen, now one of the hottest hubs of terror plotting. He was undoubtedly in a position to identify who had recruited him, who had dispatched him on his mission, and who had trained him in fashioning and detonating chemical explosives. He was in a position to tell us what al-Qaeda knows, that Janet Napolitano apparently doesn’t, about our porous airline-security system. He was, moreover, almost certainly in a position to pinpoint paramilitary training facilities, to tell us about other al-Qaeda trainees being taught to do what he was trying to do, and to fill many gaps in our knowledge of the terror network’s hierarchy, routines, and governmental connections in Yemen."

Can It Happen? Hope and change in Massachusetts.

William Kristol "A Republican tracking poll shows—amazingly—a slight uptick for Scott Brown over the weekend. He leads—amazingly—outside the margin of error in virtually every turnout model. The “rape” charge seems to be backfiring among independent women. While there is some increase in partisan Democratic intensity, Democratic intensity still trails—amazingly—that of independents, who continue to break overwhelmingly for Brown. The internals of the poll all look okay. Can it happen? Yes, it can."

New site dedicated to reform on college campii

Campus "Oftentimes conservative students think they are alone on their campuses. But they are not. Join your campus to find other campus reformers who share your principles -- and your concerns about your school. Find out the projects they are engaged in and how you can become involved."

Obama Mocks Brown: "Anyone Can Own a Truck"...Brown Responds: "Not in This Economy, Jackass"...

Weasel Zippers " “Mr. President, unfortunately in this economy, not everybody can buy a truck,” Brown said in a statement. “My goal is to change that by cutting spending, lowering taxes and letting people keep more of their own money.” "

A Message to ACORN and SEIU On the Eve of MA Special Election

Nice Deb "...• One national and several Massachusetts news organizations told us they would be investigating both of your organization’s activities on election day; • Nearly 3000 people have told us they’d be bringing video cameras to polling places just to video you and yours “having election day fun.” (You wouldn’t [believe] where people told us they’d be hiding cameras!) "

Matthews Plays Religion Card: Reminds Voters Brown Protestant, Coakley Catholic

Another reason to avoid MSNBC "Matthews' smirking little laughter revealed he knew precisely what he was up to: attempting to stir up those "tribal" instincts. Can Matthews and the MSM sink much lower? Can you imagine the howls of liberal protest if a Republican pundit tried a similar stunt? Shame on Chris Matthews. Note: NB editor Ken Shepherd points out it's odd of Matthews to tout Coakley's Catholicism, given the way she looks down on devout Catholics."

Clinton’s Little White Lie About Haiti

Sweetness & Light "So we believe it is fairly safe to say that Mr. Clinton was er… mis-remembering, as the Clintons are wont to do. But at least there weren’t any churches being burned in this latest fantasy. Or, sniper fire. Anyway, Mr. Clinton is probably not the person who should be writing about what Haiti needs, since he used the US military to restore Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power in 1994. And we know how well that turned out."

GOP lawyers say Paul Kirk will no longer be a [Massachusetts]senator after election day.

Fred Barnes In The Weekly Standard "If Brown wins narrowly and a recount is being conducted, Democratic lawyers might claim that he hasn’t been “duly elected.” Republican attorneys believe, however, that a candidate has actually been elected, though it won’t be clear who that is until the recount is completed. In Massachusetts, a recount can occur if the margin of victory is less than half a percent of the total vote."

The Legal Assault on our Counterterror program

Blackfive "This will not be the last challenge to this program.We suggest a treaty that enshrines such a right similar to pacts that recognize piracy as a borderless crime. Failure to do so could leave our forces in danger of actions from organizations that claim a Universal Jurisdiction over what they consider war crimes. "

Poseur Alert- Do you know this wanker?

Blackfive "The guy in the picture ... is wearing a one star General's mess dress uniform w/ so many medals and badges it is hard to know where to start. Either he is the youngest one star John Wayne/Audie Murphy combo, who decided to set a new trend by sporting a soul patch and an earring."

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Picture emerging of Obama as arrogant, bored, and 'peevish' about campaign

Ed Lasky, AT "Running throughout the book is the pass that major media continually gave Barack Obama. All these instances of his conduct and revelations of his feeling bored, fatigued, irritated, annoyed were readily available real time in 2008. Instead the media fell into line and refused to report." ...."why does Barack Obama always get a pass from the media -- always?"