Thursday, January 21, 2010

What Brown's Election Win Really Means

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER "The reason both wings of American liberalism — congressional and mainstream media — were so surprised at the force of anti-Democratic sentiment is they'd spent Obama's first year ignoring or disdaining the early signs of resistance: the tea party movement of the spring and the town hall meetings of the summer."

Whoppers of 2009 "We review the choicest falsehoods from a year that kept us busy." This is the Snopes of politics.

A Death Blow to McCain-Feingold

Pajamas Media "To those for whom and the countless left-wing 527 operations are the forces of truth and justice, and corporations the font of rich evil men of the 1930’s plutocratic cartoons, this case is a disaster for the commonweal. But for those of us who think free speech is inviolate, and more important in the context of elections than it is in flag burnings or obscenity cases, this decision is a long overdue righting of a preposterous error of legislative judgment."

Paul Ryan on Reconciliation

National Review "If reconciliation happens, Ryan predicts that the Democrats will still have a hard time pulling it off. “There are Blue Dog Democrats out there who are more survivalist than ideologues. One or two switches could be a game changer. The question is whether Democrats will continue to follow Pelosi off the cliff. After Massachusetts, the Democrats are quickly realizing that even if the president comes in to stump, and you get all the union support you need, it’s still not enough to get you elected.”

Which Do You Believe?

Mark Shannon "Seems as though we have a mother out there who is in need of some help. So she has come to the right guy - the High Priest of the Church of the Painful Truth. Here's the set up: Cary has an 11 year old daughter and she is trying to teach her daughter the difference between the political parties. Maybe we can have some fun with this on the air today." (Neal Boortz )

Can Obama change and save his presidency?

American Thinker "We'll know next week when he gives the annual State of the Union address. By then he will have had time to digest the election results and formulate a response. If he bows to the will of the people, puts health care on the back burner and takes viable measures to deal constructively with national security, economic and foreign policy issues without violating the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and general democratic principles his presidency might well be saved. If not, it won't."

The Fall of the House of Kennedy

Daniel Henninger, WSJ "Enter the Obama administration, the first one born and raised inside this public bubble, with zero private-sector Cabinet members. Act one: a $787 billion stimulus bill, which they brag mainly saved state and local jobs. Then came the six-month odyssey for Obama's $1 trillion health-care bill, dripping with taxes. Independent voters felt like everything was being sucked into a public-sector vortex." H/t to Rush Limbaugh.

System Failure by Stephen Hayes

Weekly Standard "Four top counterterrorism officials testified before a congressional committee that they were not consulted about how to handle the interrogation of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the al Qaeda operative who attempted to blow up Flight 253 on December 25, 2008. " Mr. Hayes is a frequent panel Member on Fox News Special Report with Brett Baier.

Rethinking Bush: A Year Later, How the MSM Cracked Up

Big Journalism "At times consciously and even triumphally, the media increasingly abused the traditional journalistic standards of independence and neutrality in favor of functioning as a virtual arm of the liberal Democratic Party. They took on, in effect, a new and disturbing identity. So consumed by politics, power and status did the MSM become during this period that bashing the former president became standard media fare. This death by a thousand cuts proceeded unabashedly, unabatedly, and largely without challenge by Bush and his staff during his presidencies."

With a Brown Win, Both the MSM and Obama Are Repudiated

Big Journalism "Scott Brown’s victory merely scratches the surface of America’s revulsion at the sting, the con, that Obama has been perpetrating. Everything Obama campaigned on, everything he said, was a lie — from Afghanistan to Israel, from healthcare to taxation. Everything. As a nation, we’re used to hollow campaign promises. But this is altogether different. This was a kind of media-sponsored coup, and the people are letting Washington know that they’re on to them."

Crazy Fool at MSNBC Continues to Smear Scott Brown (Video)

Gateway Pundit "What he lacks in logic he makes up for in fury." Factcheck: Olbermann Repeats Incorrect Anti-Scott Brown Claims of Racism & Vulgarity, Insists He's Correct "But there’s no reason to expect Olbermann to check into the context of why the circumstances of Obama’s birth were brought into the conversation by Brown since doing so might contradict the MSNBC host’s perpetual quest to find racism in every Republican’s shadow."