Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Doritos Ad Wasn’t Funny
Dennis Prager via NRO "Those who argue that the boy was just defending his mom may well be right. But that only further reinforces the point of what a dysfunctional scene the ad was portraying: A leering man, a mother dressed in a sexually provocative way, and a sexually aware child who essentially serves as man of the house at the age of five."
McCain and Hayworth: Tale of the Tape
Randall Hoven "This Arizona primary election can be put in simple terms. Do Republicans want more compromise with Democrats and "bipartisanship," or would they rather take the Ronald Reagan approach: We win, they lose?"
Mister Cool and Detached
American Thinker "Obama's admirers will point to his ambivalence as "cool and detached." "Deliberate and thoughtful" are like-minded badges describing a powerful intellect making an agonizing choice among equally unattractive alternatives. This has been Obama's style in dealing with Iran, terrorist captives, and economic recovery. Don't be fooled. For this president, "cool and detached" means "clueless and bewildered." " This column includes the word "bumfuzzled".
Bidenism (Two decades of 'em)
Victor Davis Hanson "Biden, like others, did not merely “evolve” on the war, but at each stage of his metamorphosis, emerged as a vehement, loud advocate of an entirely new position usually at odds with his prior assertions." And this: Scott Brown Schools Joey Plugs
Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy and the ACLU
InfidelBloggers "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Minnesota is suing Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy (TiZA) for allegedly crossing the line between religion and public education...When will the ACLU turn its sights in the direction of public schools other than those of the charter type?"
Secret Joint Raid Captures Taliban’s Top Commander
Sweetness&Light "Mullah Baradar has been in Pakistani custody for several days, with American and Pakistani intelligence officials both taking part in interrogations, according to the officials. It was unclear whether he was talking, but the officials said his capture had provided a window into the Taliban and could lead to other senior officials. Most immediately, they hope he will provide the whereabouts of Mullah Omar, the one-eyed cleric who is the group’s spiritual leader…" Let's see, where'd we stash that waterboard? Um, er, you have the right to remain silent...
Saudi warning that sanctions against Iran may not work
UK Telegraph "Saudi Arabia has warned that Iran could develop a nuclear weapon before stronger sanctions take effect as Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, sought its support for a new round of UN-backed penalties. "
RNC Wants Collective Bargaining with Tea Parties
Big Government "At the same time I warned of the impending disaster that would result in the creation of a third party. To use some of the language popular with the current administration this would be a Tea Party equivalent to the “Nuclear Option.” The result would be a split vote that would turn the keys over to liberals for yet another term." SFC Steve McQueen (Ret.)
MSNBC’s Maddow Regrets Misquoting Senator Inhofe But Then Misquotes Him Again...
CNS News " “We appreciate that Rachel is a proud liberal defending the massive government spending bills now flowing out of Washington, but hope she will consider making another correction,” reads the statement. " More MSNBC here: "Olbermann: Tea Partiers Are Racist, Scared Because Obama Is Black, Only Use 'Tax Cuts' As Code For Obama Is Black ...'Tea Klux Klan'"
Dumb and Dumber: Joe Biden Picks a Fight with New York
Commentary "We have come to expect flawed decision-making from the Obami. But it does seem as though the longer they stay in office, the dumber and more inept they become on the pure politics of it all. For people waging a perpetual campaign complete with rallies and Potemkin Village summits (the bipartisanship rather than the buildings is fake, in this case), they sure have lost their political touch."
It Is Not Going to Help
Commentary "...(hold more “carefully choreographed interactions with the press,” they declare) and more aggressive with opponents (”more direct, rapid response to criticism”).
Sigh. Yes, this gang imagines that less transparency and more hyper-partisanship are the way to go. Sadly, there is no brave soul there to say, “Ah, Mr. President, I think we are already getting slammed for being too secretive and thin-skinned.” "
Nuclear power aids climate push - White House
ReutersAlert "The Obama administration will announce on Tuesday an $8.3 billion loan guarantee to help Southern Co. build two reactors, helping to invigorate the nuclear power industry after nearly three decades in which no new plants have been built." Let's support him on this; Mothers for Peace protests begin in 3...2...1...
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