Saturday, February 20, 2010

Issa Releases Video Of Obama And ACORN

Sweetness&Light "The ranking member of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee released video today showing then-candidate Obama praising the work of ACORN. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) unveiled the video during an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) today. Issa’s staff uncovered the footage during their ongoing probe into ACORN, who conservatives long made a boogeyman."

Bush Officials Cleared of Torture By Loony Obama Justice Department Officials

Instapundit ""What is clear is that there is no basis — and never was — for stripping these lawyers of their professional licenses, let alone criminally prosecuting them as many on the Left demanded." Of course, we have to remember with this radical administration that– Waterboarding terrorist killers is bad… while infanticide is good." Jim Hoft.

Gartenstein-Ross Defends Rashad Hussain

Max Boot "But as a general rule, I would suggest approaching these debates with some degree of humility and sympathy, and an understanding that a few statements often pulled out of context do not necessarily constitute the totality of a person." Perhaps this will balance out a previous article in the TW attacking Hussain.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Blame Obama, Not the System

National Review "Obama made the same calculation, but on behalf of an agenda that wasn’t popular. If people had been persuaded of its merits, Obama could have made Republicans pay the price for obstruction. “Public sentiment is everything,” Abraham Lincoln said. “With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed.” If Obama tries to govern from the center, he’ll find the system magically restored to health. Otherwise, it will look more miserably broken by the day." Rich Lowry

No Need for Hubris on Matters of National Security

Victor Davis Hanson "This administration has an even worse record of consistency..."...."I am sure that, if need be, they will blithely and without embarrassment offer us a new narrative in which, in fact, al-Qaeda is still dangerous in the 9/11 sense and Iran most assuredly is close to getting a bomb. "

Ungovernable? Nonsense. By Charles Krauthammer

National Review Online "[The President] failed because the utter implausibility of its central promise — expanded coverage at lower cost — led voters to conclude that it would lead ultimately to more government, more taxes, and more debt. More broadly, the Democrats failed because, thinking the economic emergency would give them a political mandate and a legislative window, they tried to impose a left-wing agenda on a center-right country. The people said no, expressing themselves first in spontaneous demonstrations, then in public-opinion polls, then in elections — Virginia, New Jersey, and, most emphatically, Massachusetts. That’s not a structural defect. That’s a textbook demonstration of popular will expressing itself — despite the special interests — through the existing structures. In other words, the system worked. "

WaPo Intentionally Omits Commie Plane Crasher’s Marxist Rant to Paint Him as Tea Party Protester

Gateway Pundit "Jonathan Capehart at the The Washington Post intentionally omitted the Austin commie plane crasher’s Marxist rant from his article today about the attack on the IRS Building. That way he could blame those violent “teabaggers.” Ace of Spades discovered the omission. Here’s the final lines from the commie plane crasher’s manifesto:"

Barack's Bi-Polar Nuclear Policy

John Leonard , AT "Why would Obama close the only viable answer to long-term storage of nuclear waste while he simultaneously calls for additional nuclear power plants? One reason, though not a very good one, is that he made closing Yucca Mountain a campaign issue. Another would be his obligations to radical environmental groups opposed to the facility. As for rational reasons, I'm still trying to think of one."

Pakistanis see the light, turn on Taliban?

Blackfive "I give myself bonus points for the phrase "satchels full of cash" always a fave, and for saying the Pakistani govt. and military make Chicago politicians look like Boy Scouts."

Climategate: The Big Picture

Pajamas Media "It’s been less than three months since the Climategate files were first revealed to the world, and an amazing lot has happened — so much that I think it’s worth bringing things together in one place."

Sarah Palin takes on the pathology of the elites.

"NRO Governor Palin, in contrasting “American values” with the aspirations of “elite education,” warns us of the arrogance — and the moral “spinelessness” — that today’s higher learning too often fosters. Knowledge divorced from what Trilling and Gertrude Himmelfarb (following Burke) call the “moral imagination” is a dangerous thing.As for me, I today announce the formation of the Ivy Leaguers for Palin Committee, J. G. Faustus, honorary chairman."...

Hero In Texas That Saved Five Lives Was A Combat Engineer For The U.S. Army...It's All about Character

Fox News "Cepak said he thought the six and half years Dehaven spent as a combat engineerfor the U.S. Army probably gave him many of the skills he used to execute the rescue. But he had no doubt where he found the courage to go forward with it. "It comes from his character," he said." Via Weasel Zippers.