Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Brain-Dead in Berkeley

Robin of Berkeley "Disneyland may be the happiest place on earth, but Berkeley is the looniest. Imagine commingling with people who act like Keith Olbermann on steroids. Not a day goes by where I don't scratch my head in utter disbelief -- not just because of the insanity, but because two years ago, I was one of them! So here is an actual week in the life. I hope that you enjoy this snapshot of living at ground zero, the birthplace of such peace-loving groups as the Black Panthers." Via American Thinker.

Michael Hayden (No relation): Al-Qaida Would Use Nuclear Device

Newsmax "It’s probably easier for them to work with chemical or biological weapons than with a nuclear device.  “And if they work with a nuclear device, our judgment was that it would more likely be a dispersal device, where you’re just throwing radiation into the atmosphere, rather than the actual nuclear detonation. But we took it as an article of faith that if they could they would, and they wouldn’t hesitate.” " Hat tip to John Uhrig.

ObamaCare: Twenty-One Key Democrats — and Three Things for Them to Consider

Weekly Standard "An even bigger problem for the Democrats than somehow turning these members around is the strong likelihood that many other members are salivating at the thought of switching their votes to "no" and saving their careers. Clark Judge writes, "'Blue Dogs want health care to come up again,” said a long-time veteran of the House in a closed door briefing last Monday. 'So they can vote against it.’” "

Anti-war vet runs for Congress

Blackfive "Adam Kokesh is a real piece of work. Once a leading light in the wackadoo anti-war movement including IVAW, he now has cleaned up a bit and is running as a Republican for Congress in New Mexico and sadly doing much better than he should." Uncle Jimbo.

The Perry Lesson: Run a Good Campaign

Commentary "Pundits are already picking through the returns to glean evidence of larger trends. Is this further proof that Washington incumbents have an uphill climb? Probably. Does this suggest that more traditionally conservative candidates have the upper hand in a GOP primary field? That too. And does Perry have the potential to be a presidential candidate? Perry is playing coy for now..." And here: Perry Buries Hutchison – 51% To 31%

Jerry Brown Proves He Has Nothing Relevant To Say

BigGovernment "Well, if ever there was a man caused disaster, the government imposed disaster on the Central Valley qualifies for that. Politicians and a Judge have sided with an imported bait fish, i.e. whose job it was to be eaten, over people and farms causing depression level unemployment and business losses. The solution is simple and rational: elevate human dignity over a bait fish and turn the water back on. Brown can’t advocate that because he and the Left (if they are not one in the same) don’t believe in supporting people over planned-obsolescent fish."


Neal Boortz "If the American people don't do what needs to be done this November .. change the balance of power in Washington DC ... remove these dangerous Democrats from power ... then our children, our grandchildren and history itself will curse us for what we did to America in the 2008 election."

President Obama to Say Democrats Will Use Reconciliation to Pass Senate Health Care Reform Fix, If Not Given Up or Down Vote

ABC News "In his remarks, scheduled to be at the White House, the president will paint a picture of what he will say will happen without a health care reform bill – skyrocketing premiums, everyone at the mercy of the insurance industry as recently seen with the 39% premium increases proposed by Anthem Blue Cross in California." And this: Sebelius Accuses GOP of Using ‘Politics of Obstruction’ on Health Care and here:  Reconciliation — The Last Gasp of the Left "Obama is going to pitch the country on reconciliation. If he’s as persuasive as he’s been on the underlying bill that he’s trying to ram through Congress, the public will recoil. And well they should."

'Lawmaker' has become new dirty word back home on the campaign trail in 2010

The Hill "On Tuesday, an arduous gubernatorial primary will come to a head for Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas). Gov. Rick Perry is a near-cinch to beat her, either in the primary or in a runoff, and much of the blame for that goes to Hutchison’s current employer — the federal government." H/t to Boortz


NRO "Reconciliation has been used for virtually all imaginable scenarios — save one: There is no precedent for using it to enact a once-in-a-generation rewrite of the relationship between Americans and their government that appeals exclusively to one side of the aisle." ...."Our custom has always been to subject such bigger-than-life bills to a rigorous vetting process that allows affected parties to scrutinize the pros and cons and examine alternatives before ultimately arriving at a broad and bipartisan consensus." H/t to Heritage.