Friday, March 12, 2010

VDH: ‘Is Tom Hanks Unhinged?’

Victor Davis Hanson "In Hanks’ case, he is either ignorant and has done little real research, or in politically-correct fashion has taken a truth about combat in the Pacific (perceptions of cultural and racial difference often did intensify the savagery of combat) and turned it into The Truth about the origins and conduct of an entire war — apparently in smug expectation that such doctrinaire revisionism wins applause these days in the right places (though I doubt among the general public that he expects to watch the series.)"

House Democrats' 'no' votes are piling up as healthcare reform moves forward

The Hill "At least 25 House Democrats will reject the healthcare reform legislation, according to a survey by The Hill, a review of other media reports and interviews with lawmakers, aides and lobbyists. Dozens of House Democrats are undecided or won't comment on their position on the measure." The Hill's survey/tracking of House Democrats' positions on healthcare reform legislation. "House Democrats not on this list are expected to vote yes. However, some members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus who are not mentioned below have threatened to vote no unless the Senate's immigration-related provisions are changed. All House Republicans are expected to vote no." And this: Stupak: I don’t think I can live with reconciliation. "skepticism is one thing, courage is another."From the comments to the last link.

Iraqi Elections — Good News

Max Boot "Iraqi voters prefer nationalist candidates running on law-and-order platforms to religious candidates who are seen as too close to the Iranians. This is yet another big step forward in Iraq’s emergence as that most unlikely of creatures — a real Arab democracy, something that President Bush’s myriad of critics long dismissed as a neocon fantasy."

Both the Left and the Right Have Pegged Obama Correctly

Jennifer Rubin "Obama is, as the Left bemoans, emotionally remote, indecisive, and lacking in deal-making interest and skills. He is, as the Right decries, a “big government liberal … arrogant toward foes, condescending toward allies and runs a partisan political machine.” The two are not mutually exclusive. It is the confluence of both that has whittled his support and rendered him, at least for now, an unsuccessful president."

Al-Qaida Seen Eyeing Less Complex Attacks On U.S.

Infidel Bloggers "The Christmas Day attempt to bring down a Detroit-bound flight — allegedly by a young Nigerian man with explosives in his underwear — was not successful. The attempt, however, shook the government, set agencies against each other and led to months of political second-guessing.Short of mass casualties, the attack produced the kind of reaction that al-Qaida desires."

Islamic Court Upholds Death Sentence Against Magician

Atlas Shrugs "What is instructive is the lengths Islam will go to to protect it's dominance. No matter how insane. What is of the greatest import is protecting the brand at all costs. The West lacks that conviction. It makes all the difference."

Climategate: Once Respected Nature Now Staffed By Moaning Ninnies

Pajamas Media "No doubt most climate scientists are not criminals. However, some are. Many of the two dozen Climategate emailers, who have for years driven the IPCC process, tampered with peer review in the learned journals, and fabricated, altered, concealed, or destroyed scientific data are criminals. Whether they or Nature like it or not, they will eventually stand trial, and deservedly so." Christopher Monckton

Obamacare’s Procedural Fraud on the American People

The Foundry "The latest wrinkle is designed to allow pro-life Democrats to vote for the Senate’s taxpayer funded abortion language while still claiming they never voted for taxpayer funded abortions. Don’t be fooled. First, let’s be clear that the Senate bill allows tax dollars to be used for abortions." Via Heritage.

Parliamentarian's ruling deals blow to healthcare reform chances

The Hill " ruling President Barack Obama must sign the broader Senate healthcare legislation before the upper chamber can take up changes demanded by the House. The ruling means House Democrats would have to rely on a good-faith promise that senators will pass the changes after the healthcare bill is signed into law, a difficult prospect at a time when lower-chamber lawmakers have grown distrustful of their Senate counterparts." Via Heritage.

Obama Spiked ACORN Investigation: Judicial Watch Releases FBI Documents

BigGovernment "Given President Obama’s close connections to ACORN, including his campaign’s hiring of the ACORN’s Project Vote organization, it seems questionable at best that Attorney General Holder has failed to seriously investigate these and other alleged ACORN criminal activities."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Overnight Thread: Thank ‘God’ — Ninth Circuit Court Rules Pledge of Allegiance, Motto Still Legal

BigJournalism " “The Pledge is constitutional,” Judge Carlos Bea wrote for the majority in the 2-1 ruling. “The Pledge of Allegiance serves to unite our vast nation through the proud recitation of some of the ideals upon which our Republic was founded.”" Two to one? Who nominated that one vote?

In Praise of the Rotation of Power

Charles Krauthammer "True, the rotation of power inevitably results in stops and starts and policy zigzags. Yet for all its inefficiency, in the end it creates a near-miraculous social stability by setting down layers of legitimacy every time the opposition adopts some of its predecessor’s reforms — while at the same time allowing challenges to fundamental assumptions before they become fossilized.So, in the middle of the current food fight, as the plates and the tarts and the sharper cutlery fly, step back for a moment. Hail the untidiness. Hail democracy. Hail the rotation of power. Yes, even when Democrats gain office."