Sunday, March 14, 2010

Forget About the Economy… Statist Obama & the Radicals in Congress Plan to Revamp Education System Next

Gateway Pundit "President Barack Obama unveiled his plan for a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s school system Saturday, proposing changes he says would shift emphasis from teaching to the test to a more nuanced assessment of judging school and student progress."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Economic Suicide: Obama Administration Bans Offshore Drilling For 3 Years

Gateway Pundit "Obama’s Secretary of Energy recently announced a three-year offshore drilling ban. Investor’s Business Daily reported, via Planet Gore: 'Our secretary of energy pushes bio-refineries and windmills to oil executives at an energy conference as the administration announces a three-year offshore drilling ban. This is a policy for economic suicide.' "

Scrambling for votes, Democrats face uphill climb to pass healthcare reform

The Hill "Pelosi is clearly down in the vote count. Thirty-four House Democrats are either firm no votes or leaning no, according to The Hill’s whip list. Dozens more are undecided."

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

RE: A New Low

Commentary "Reaction to the administration’s war of words against the Israeli government is starting to come in. The ADL, which rarely weighs in publicly on such matters and even more rarely chastises an American president, blasted the Obama administration with a statement declaring: 'We are shocked and stunned at the Administration’s tone and public dressing down of Israel on the issue of future building in Jerusalem...' "

The Problem with Blaming Insurance Companies

American Thinker "The President proposes and some unwittingly agree that we would be better off if the government controlled the types of healthcare insurance provided and the cost for such coverage. What this overly simplified argument leaves out is that the premium increases by the Insurance Companies are to offset the rising "benefit expenses" that they payout. Premium increases are the Insurance Companies attempt to stay in business."

Attorney General Withheld Seven Legal Briefs From Senate During Nomination Process

Atlas Shrugs "Holder knew that advocating for Jose Padilla, aka Abdullah al-Muhajir or Muhajir Abdullah, found guilty of conspiring to kill people in an overseas jihad and to funded and supporedt overseas terrorism would have been a nomination killer."..."Who would confirm an attorney general who litigates, advocates for an enemy that wants to conquer and kill this nation?"

Democrats Now Total Threat to Nation's Future

Warning Signs by Alan Caruba. ------------------------------------ ---- And this from Warning Signs: (Video)

Texas: New standards in history class

Houston Chronicle "The board's success in exposing students to more conservative government and cultural principles follows similar efforts in recent years to put a more conservative imprint on other public school subjects, including a back-to-basics English language arts and reading curriculum two years ago and adding caveats to the teaching of evolution when adopting new biology curriculum standards last year." More here: "“We are adding balance,” said Dr. Don McLeroy, the leader of the conservative faction on the board, after the vote. “History has already been skewed. Academia is skewed too far to the left.” "

Friday, March 12, 2010

Ten Steps to a Free Iran

Heritage "...8. Modernize the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The U.S. should develop and deploy a new generation of nuclear weapons to convince Tehran that any attempt to use nuclear weapons will likely fail to achieve whatever political and military objectives they have in mind. 9. Expand U.S. military capabilities to defend U.S. interests and allies. Targeting and holding at risk the regime's top leaders, its nuclear weapons program, and its internal security forces would protect the U.S. from Iranian aggression."

Biden Snubs Israeli Media, Only Interviews with Al-Jazeera

Commonsense&wonder "These guys really just love insulting Israel: Instead of smoothing ruffled feathers in Jerusalem with interviews to the host media, Vice President Biden snubbed them all and granted the only interview of his trip to the Arabic Al Jazeera TV... By signing off his Israel visit with an Al Jazeera interview, Joe Biden tells us exactly how he feels about the Jewish state."

Democracy Only Works If You Use It

Commentary "The citizens of this country have historically enjoyed a unique level of influence on their government. But we are now spectators before whom a cadre of floundering ideologues seeks to sever the trusts that make consensual governance consensual. The Democrats lost the public debate. Ask them if they care."