Tuesday, March 16, 2010

House Republicans Find 111 New 'Bureaucracies' in Health Care Bill

FoxNews Repeat from Nov, 2009:"That ought to tell you all that we need to know, that we're going to have 1,990 pages of legislation," House Minority Leader John Boehner said in an interview Sunday. "The word 'shall' exists in this bill 3,345 times."

Dems start countdown toward health care vote

Breitbart.com "House Democrats triggered the countdown Monday for the climactic vote on President Barack Obama's fiercely contested remake of the health care system, even though the legislation remained incomplete and lacked the votes needed to pass."

Doom of the Dems in 2010

Dick Morris "In U.S. politics, all elections are not created equal. It’s OK to lose the state legislative and gubernatorial elections held on years ending in 2, 4, 6 or 8. But you can’t afford to lose those held in years that end in 0. Those are the reapportionment elections."

Fainting Before The One Again?

Rush Limbaugh "RUSH: You mean a woman shouted at Obama "how dare you," meaning how dare you lie about this? CALLER: I think it was how dare you stifle this man's freedom of speech because you have a right to not agree with Obama. RUSH: Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. So the guy didn't faint? CALLER: No! He was being drug off by four to six cops, and him saying that he needed a medic, that was a lie, among many that day. That basically telling the cops to drag that guy out of there, he was disrupting his lie fest, I guess. RUSH: Nothing's genuine! I mean every story I read talked about this poor guy who fainted. Now, we never heard what happened to him as a result of fainting. We were snookered again, maybe."

Palin to Obama: Hit the "Reset" Button with Israel

Weekly Standard "The Obama Administration reaches out to some of the world’s worst regimes in the name of their engagement policy. America and our allies watch as sanctions are eased on Cuba. Letters are written to Iran’s mullahs only to see that regime start killing protestors in the streets of Tehran. "...."In the midst of all this embracing of enemies, where does the Obama Administration choose to escalate a minor incident into a major diplomatic confrontation? With Iran, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea or Burma? No. With our treasured ally, Israel."

Obama's latest healthcare proposal

Pelosi brags that Obamacare is just the beginning

Rick Moran, AT "Somewhere in all of this, there has got to be the recognition that Pelosi-Obama-Reid have no faith in the democratic process and prefer debate and voting to occur after their diktats are passed. This, of course, is backwards from the way democracy should be working. As long as she has her caucus behind her, Pelosi will be able to do just about anything inside and outside the rules." Be sure to thank any celebrity for this.

Thanks Barack. It really didn't have to come to this

American Thinker "....a President who doesn't recognize America's best interests, never mind Israel's, and who hasn't got the toughness to act on them even if he did. Nothing to trust or depend on there. All of which guarantees that Israel will, among other things, launch a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities in order to prevent it's own obliteration. Soon. "

Slaughter House Rules

WSJ "We're not sure American schools teach civics any more, but once upon a time they taught that under the U.S. Constitution a bill had to pass both the House and Senate to become law. Until this week, that is, when Speaker Nancy Pelosi is moving to merely "deem" that the House has passed the Senate health-care bill and then send it to President Obama to sign anyway. "Via Neal Boortz. And here: House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it .


Neal Boortz "While you can read this new bill here, it won't be worth your time. Why? Because these 2,300 pages aren't even the 2,300 pages that the President and Speaker Pelosi want us to vote on. That's right: the pages that they want us to vote on haven't even been completed yet. The bill that the Budget Committee is working on is simply a placeholder because the Speaker is still working out new language. The plan, we're told, is that Budget Committee will finish its work today to move the process along and then tomorrow--likely deep into the night--the Rules Committee will take up the bill. The Rules Committee will completely erase the 2,300 pages approved by the Budget Committee and insert thousands of entirely new pages into the bill."

Pedal to the Medal: It's Time to Flood Congress with Calls, E-mails

Rush Limbaugh "Call the Capitol Switchboard: 877-762-8762 or 202-224-3121• Code Red: Click Here for List of Targeted Congressmen .".... "Well, hint, hint! The Republicans can't stop Obama. The American people can, but the Republicans can't. They don't have the votes to stop Obama. This is not about the Republicans! The Founding Fathers intended none of this. Heritage Foundation is on a mission to make sure you know exactly how the Democrats are damaging the bedrock of our system of government."

Video Posted On Militant Web Site Calls For Muslims In Nigeria To Use "The Sword And The Spear" Against Christians...

Weasel Zippers "The video on the Ansar al-Mujahideen forum, a Web site sympathetic to al-Qaida, comes in the wake of a series of religious massacres and riots in central Nigeria."