Friday, March 19, 2010

Hannity-Backed Foundation Refutes Blogger's Allegations

Radio Equalizer "3. The blog posting accuses Freedom Alliance of spending less than 20% of money raised on program activities. This is FALSE. Listed below are the amounts that Freedom Alliance spent for each of the past three years and the categories on which they were spent. The figures are taken from our Federal Form 990 which is filed with the Internal Revenue Service and posted on our web site and audited by an independent auditor using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. This financial record not only meets, but exceeds standards of program efficiency set by most charity evaluators." Quoting the Freedom Alliance response.

CBO confirms: ObamaCare with “doctor fix” will actually add billions to the deficit

Hot Air "Simple. You break the bill up and pass one of the expensive parts separately later. Here’s how a supposed $118 billion reduction in the deficit becomes another case of Obama bloat:"...

This Process is Undermining the Rule of Law

Heritage "...former U.S. Attorneys General Edwin Meese III and William P. Barr released the following statement: The convoluted and questionable method under discussion by both Houses of Congress for final passage of the long-debated health care legislation raises serious constitutional concerns, which, at best, will lead to protracted and wholly avoidable litigation and continued doubt about the bill’s validity. Members of Congress from both parties have criticized the use of such sleights of hand, and The Washington Post has rightly editorialized [4] against such “unseemly” and “dodgy” maneuvers for the health care bill."...

Members of Congress Pressured from All Sides in Final Hours Before Health Care Vote

Pajamas Media "In the run-up to the final vote on the Obama administration’s health care proposal, the American Conservative Union today released its list of potential swing votes, urging recipients to “stand up, speak out, and voice your opinion …” " Here is the list of all current swing votes with their contact information:

White House Announces Dems Will Use “Slaughter Rule” In Future– Possibly On Immigration

Gateway Pundit "“His boss (Obama) yesterday, in an interview with Fox News and Brett Baier made quite clear that he’s well aware of what’s going on at the Hill and whatever comes to him, he’s going to sign,” said Levin. “So what we’ve learned from Brett Baier and you is that we have two branches of government that are absolutely committed to violating the Constitution in order to achieve an illegitimate ends.” " But...but every artist in my CD collection told me to vote Democrat.

10 Things That Turn Men Off

Woman's Day "So let’s take a different approach: Don’t think of this list as the 10 things we dislike about you. Think of it more as the 10 things that will bring us closer together…by you not doing them." Brendan Tapley

An Administration at Odds with the Country

Commentary "In the short run, the administration might “win.” ObamaCare could sneak through. Israel might be roughed up. But the Obami then face the grim consequences of their actions. The tidal wave of reaction to ObamaCare awaits them should they pass (or “deem” or whatever) the monstrous bill into law. And the Middle East will grow ever more dangerous as the real threat to our security — Iran’s nuclear program — goes unchecked." Jennifer Rubin.

The Slaughter Rule: Unprecedented

Chip Bennett "[Democrats] rationalize their actions by claiming that Republicans have used self-executing rules in the past, and that, therefore, their opposition to the Slaughter rule is hypocritical. On the surface, their claim sounds rather damning for Republicans, such as Mike Pence, who oppose the Slaughter rule. However, upon closer inspection, the democrats’ claim proves specious. Mike Pence defends his claim that the “Slaughter Solution” is unconstitutional ; "Why did he vote for self-executing rules three times when Republicans held the House? The exchange follows."...

43% now strongly disapprove of Obama, same as Bush when he left office

The Volokh Conspiracy "Imagine how unpopular Obama would be if the press and the late night comedians (who are at least as important as the press) treated Obama as they treated Bush."

The Arlen Specter of the South Strikes Again

Powerline "A South Carolina Senate seat is a terrible thing to waste on a squishy figure like Graham, who mindlessly subscribes to portions of the liberal narrative and relishes opportunities to stick it to conservative Republicans."


Neal Boortz "So .. the deal is that the House passes the Senate bill this weekend, Obama signs it, and then the House and Senate get together and create another bill that fixes the one they just passed. Got that? Well, this whole idea of "fixing" Obamacare is nonsense. As this article in National Review points out: "...

It’s Been Quite a Week for American Jewry

Jennifer Rubin "That’s the question before American Jewry. As many prominent leaders and activists gather, we’ll begin to find out their answer. But there is no denying it now — this was not the president many of them thought he was. If they wish to support him, despite his Israel policy (because the liberal agenda is so near and dear to them), they can do so. But there’s no kidding themselves any longer that, in the process, they will be supporting the most anti-Israel president since — well, ever."