Saturday, April 10, 2010

Democrats Pocket More Campaign Cash from Special Interests Ahead of 2010 Midterm Elections "Many special interest groups sought to influence the direction of President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats' ambitious legislative goals such as health care reform, financial regulation and energy policy targeting climate change."

Friday, April 9, 2010

Race and Politics; Part one of four By Thomas Sowell

Townhall "Among the people who are likely to be most disappointed with the Obama administration are those who thought it would usher in a post-racial society." ...."But that they actually expected a move in that direction suggests that they ignored both Barack Obama's history and the heavy vested interest that too many people have in race hustling."

Liz Cheney: Obama Putting America on Path to Decline

CBSNews "On Iran, she deemed the president's deadlines "meaningless" and his speeches "pointless." She said that Mr. Obama's response to the protests following that country's election suggested he was "much more concerned about whether the mullahs in Iran would be offended by his actions." "

The Pfleger-ization of the Catholic Church

Michelle Malkin "As if the massive global sex-abuse scandal that cost at least $3 billion in litigation and inflicted immeasurable pain and grief on Catholic molestation victims hasn't done enough damage to its credibility, the Pfleger-ization of the Catholic Church goes on unabated. And the likes of Cardinal George are doing nothing to stop it. This is not the Catholic Church I was raised in. It has left me."

Ruled by Children

Canada Free Press "It didn’t start with this administration or Congress, but it strikes me that “the Party of No”, Republicans, has been the only one to demonstrate what it means to be an adult these days. It’s called learning from experience and, in the past, they have been no less guilty of this behavior than Democrats." Alan Caruba via Lucianne.

MORRIS: GOP will win House, Senate

The Hill "Were Obama’s ambitions to slacken, perhaps a cooling-off might eventuate. But soon the socialist financial takeover bill will come on the agenda, followed by amnesty for illegal immigrants, cap-and-trade and card-check unionization. Each bill will trigger its own mobilization of public opposition and add to the swelling coalition of opposition to Obama and his radical agenda." Now THAT'S hope and change I want to believe in.

GOP Needs To Keep It Simple

Cook Political Report "Now, however, we are entering a new phase in the 2010 campaign: The center of attention over the spring and summer will be independent voters and party primaries, especially those on the Republican side."

Mike Ramirez cartoon


The Ongoing Melodrama of Victims and Oppressors

Victor Davis Hanson "In all these cases, Obama commendably wants to help the less fortunate. But he seems to care far less for those who act responsibly — except to demonize them if they question whether it is fair or wise to subsidize those who at times don’t."

Useful Idiots: Not News

Check out this Comic strip:

Is Obama Misunderestimating Nuclear Weapons’ Contribution to Peace?

Big Government "This latest Obama peace offensive, the reduction in the amount and the use of nuclear weapons, quite possibly could be his ultimate demonstration of being weak on defense. That is so because the record demonstrates that nuclear weapons have been the ultimate guarantor of peace." Thomas Del Beccaro "Misunderestimating"?

Obama’s Perfect Record of Foreign Policy Failure

Commentary "In sum, nearly everything Obama believes about foreign policy is wrong and has been disproved by history and the current behavior of our adversaries. So until his vision aligns with reality, expect Obama’s “perfect” track record to continue." Jennifer Rubin