Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Where the Contract with American Failed, the Freshmen 50 Will Succeed

Big Government "We are citizen-candidates united on a platform of six simple and realistic reforms for our government:
"Apply the Law Equally: All laws that apply to all citizens also apply to Congress;
Term Limits: Limit terms in Congress to no more than 12 years in the House and Senate, respectively;
Enforce Congressional Ethics: Yearly tax and expense audits, former Congressmen and their staff cannot be lobbyists, allow the ethics committee to do their job;
Read the Bill: Prior to final vote, the entire bill must be read out loud on the floor of the House; if a representative is not present for the entire reading, he cannot vote ;
Tax Reform: Repeal our current tax code in favor of one that taxes only once, at one rate, and require a 2/3-majority vote for any new tax;
Balance the Budget: Amend the Constitution to require a balanced budget ."

The Promise

Thomas Lifson "Edith attended the "Break the Silence" rally last Sunday in front of the Israel Consulate in Manhattan in the pouring rain where over 2000 Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Sikhs spoke out loud in support of Israel and against the disgraceful treatment by the Obama administration of one of America's greatest allies. Absent were too many of the major Jewish organizations that are too entangled in the Washington political scene to come out and denounce the Obama administration's vindictive policies dictating to Israel not to build homes in its capitol Jerusalem, while at the same time appeasing and bowing to the enemies of America, Israel and the free world."

George Will Skewers Bill Maher

Big Hollywood "The acerbic Maher is used to making outrageous and factually empty statements on his HBO talk-show and getting nothing but an approving nod from his guests and howls of affirmation from his unwashed peanut gallery in return. But when he made this claim: “I could criticize America in general for not attacking this problem [dependency on fossil fuels] in the Seventies. I mean, Brazil got off oil in the last thirty years we certainly could’ve,” he was woefully ill-prepared to be called out on it by the acutely observant Will who pressed him: “Bill, can you just explain to me in what sense Brazil ‘got off oil’?” " Then it gets better...

Supreme Court declines to hear Lesbian couple's suit against Boy Scouts

CSMonitor.com "A lesbian couple and an agnostic couple in San Diego have legal standing to sue the Boy Scouts to force the group to stop using prime city land for camping and other scouting activities. Opponents weigh in on Supreme Court Mojave cross decision Vets win Supreme Court victory in ‘Mojave cross’ case The US Supreme Court on Monday let stand an earlier ruling by the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals, which sided with the two couples. The couples object to Boy Scout policies that exclude boys and adults who are atheists, agnostics, or homosexuals. In refusing to take up the Boy Scouts’ appeal, the high court action returns the case to the San Francisco-based Ninth Circuit."

Facing Obamacare: What the States Should Do Now

Heritage "Many of the most high-profile promises—such as extending the life of the Medicare Trust Fund, allowing those who are happy with their health insurance plans to keep them, lowering the cost of health care, and not raising taxes on families with annual incomes below $250,000—will not be fulfilled.[1] Based on the provisions of the new law, many of these promises simply cannot be kept."

Monday, May 3, 2010

Suspect arrested in NYC Bomb Attempt

JAWA Report "A U.S. citizen of Pakistani descent, Shahzad Faisal, was arrested Monday night in Long Island, [ NBC correspondent Pete] Williams reported." This from Fox News: Suspect Arrested in Times Square Bomb Plot

Tangling with Progressives

Patriot Post "I, personally, find it odd that some of these leftists, such as Hillary Clinton, have taken to calling themselves progressives. The reason I find it so peculiar is because back in 1948, Henry Wallace ran for president as the standard bearer for the Progressive Party, which everyone knew was what the Communist Party was calling itself at the time." 

Convert: Obama should speak up for oppressed Christians

World "The Pakistani convert urges President Obama to say that the United States wants to have a dialogue with Islamic countries but point out that if Muslims are allowed to build mosques in America then Christians should be allowed to build churches and live in safety in Muslim countries. “But he didn’t say a word about it [during the Cairo speech],” James points out. “And that is what I hate about politics. They don’t care about the real things that are going on with human rights.” "

Not Your Father’s FDR; A comparison that does Obama no favors.

Fred Barnes "As for political skills, “maybe FDR was just a lot more skillful,” Hess says. Forget the “maybe.” FDR was a master politician. Obama isn’t. Roosevelt didn’t delegate; Obama does. Roosevelt personally dominated Congress and controlled the story coming out of Washington. Obama is dependent on Democratic allies in Congress and has lost control of the message. FDR used the bully pulpit sparingly but effectively. Obama uses it relentlessly and ineffectively. FDR kept the public and the political community enthralled until 1937 when he committed an egregious unforced error in his second term. He sought to pack the Supreme Court with six more justices. The 1938 midterm congressional election was a Republican landslide."

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden


Is Obama Moving To Topple Israel's Prime Minister?

Philadelphia Bulletin "The sources said the administration's strategy aimed to delegitimize Netanyahu in his government and right-wing constituency. They said Obama and his aides have sought to portray Netanyahu as a weak and unstable politician who will destroy relations with Washington as Israel seeks U.S. support for a military option against Iran." H/t to BookwormRoom . Related: Obama Policy: No Nukes for Israel "There is no possibility the Obama administration will use force, despite its confused and ever-changing formulation about the military option always being "on the table." That leaves Israel, which the administration is implicitly threatening not to resupply with airplanes and weapons lost in attacking Iran—thereby rendering Israel vulnerable to potential retaliation from Hezbollah and Hamas." And this: The Obama Administration Is Working To Discredit and Ultimately Unseat Bibi Netanyahu  from ThreatsWatch . 

The silence of Hollywood in the face of murderous jihadis

American Thinker  "The American entertainment community's response to Islamic challenges was set in stone when Theo Van Gogh was knifed to death in the street for offending Muslim sensibilities with his film. Hollywood's collective shrug was heard around the world. No stirring speeches, no defiant editorials, not even a passing frame in the annual memoriam Oscar tribute. No, Hollywood prefers to reserve that sacred honor for Leni Riefenstahl, Hitler's master propagandist. Amidst the stunning challenges of our time, the entertainment community is cowering under the table." Stella Paul