Sunday, May 9, 2010
Boycott the boycotters
Ralph Alter "The American Tea Party movement and its sympathizers represent a significant majority of Americans. They have already promised to boycott the Democrat party come November. The mass retirements of incumbent Democrat congressmen suggests that they are getting the message. If the amnesty crowd wants to start playing the boycott card, let's join in and see how things work out."
Putin disinvites Biden to WW II anniversary celebration
American Thinker "Why such a muted response from Mr. Obama and Secretary of State Clinton? They were loud and aggressive in their response to a perceived snub of Mr. Biden by Israel, doesn't this deliberate insult to the vice president merit a similar response? Where is the MSM coverage of this story? It looks like this is yet another curious chapter in the Obama foreign policy pay book."
Supreme Court: Roll The Dice On Kagan?
Legal Insurrection "I'm not ready to say that Kagan should be confirmed if nominated, but would a roll of the dice really be that bad considering the alternatives?" William A. Jacobson
Motherhood Matters
Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood "They save the precious handmade Mother's Day cards. They savor the sweet, sticky kisses. They remember forever how their children's sparkling eyes light up when they spot mom at the door of the church nursery, knowing that no one else will suffice. At the end of the day, motherhood matters because we are charged with the awesome task to train the next generation..." Mary K. Mohler
Happy Mother's Day ; a history
Newsbusters "During the 1600's, the early Christians in England celebrated a day to honor Mary, the mother of Christ. By a religious order the holiday was later expanded in its scope to include all mothers, and named as the Mothering Sunday. Celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter), "Mothering Sunday" honored the mothers of England."...
Danny Glover Booed For Not Putting Hand Over His Heart During Flag Ceremony
Newsbusters "Outspoken actor Danny Glover was booed on Saturday for, amongst other things, not putting his hand over his heart during a flag ceremony prior to his commencement address at Utah State University." Is Danny Glover really the best person to have speaking to graduates? Why this parade of American malcontents at our universities?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Tip-Toeing Through the Tulips While the Housing Bubble Burst
Verum Serum "Rep. Frank, of course, has a distinguished history of ineptitude when it comes to regulation of the housing industry, and his role in the financial market collapse. But when it comes to avoiding culpability, he is second to no one in his ability to spin a web of deceipt and reinvent history."
Coulter: Media 'Working Through Grief of Car Bomber Not Being a Tea Partier'
Newsbusters "Conservative author Ann Coulter on Friday in one sentence perfectly summed up the media's reaction to the identity of the man that caused a state of panic in New York's Times Square last weekend: "They're working through their grief of the car bomber not being a Tea Partier." Such was marvelously said on Fox News's "O'Reilly Factor." "
As Vichy Hollywood Cowers Before Islam, Another Catholic-Bashing Film Greenlit
Big Hollywood "What we have instead is an industry infected with partisan Leftists; gutless appeasers of the highest order who at best have chosen to run from this fight and at worst have joined the other side."
The FCC puts another industry under political control.
WSJ "A federal appeals court ruled last month that the Federal Communications Commission lacks the authority to regulate the Internet. No worries, mate. This week the Obama Administration chose to "reclassify" the Internet so it can regulate the Web anyway. This crowd is nothing if not legally creative."...."Autos, health care, energy, Wall Street and now telecom. Is there any American industry this Administration doesn't want to run?"
Net Neutrality War Heats Up "Scaled back or not, Net Neutrality is the government foot in the Internet door, with ominous implications for future private investment as well as for the future vitality of the new media. And so the Obama agenda rolls out, aided and abetted by the old-line, far-left, Democratic committee chairmen like Mr. Waxman. November can not come soon enough."
Net Neutrality War Heats Up "Scaled back or not, Net Neutrality is the government foot in the Internet door, with ominous implications for future private investment as well as for the future vitality of the new media. And so the Obama agenda rolls out, aided and abetted by the old-line, far-left, Democratic committee chairmen like Mr. Waxman. November can not come soon enough."
Least Successful P.R. Campaign Ever?
PowerlineBlog "That is, the campaign to demonize and delegitimize Arizona's effort to enforce the immigration laws. Notwithstanding relentless negative coverage in the press combined with positive reports on protests against the law, and condemnation by President Obama and many other prominent politicians, Rasmussen finds that nationally, 59% of voters favor a law like Arizona's. That figure is unchanged from last week." Re: re: racial profiling "Unless the "get tough" laws really do give investigators materially more power than they had before, the price of the blowback is not worth it." Andy McCarthy
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