Wednesday, June 9, 2010

America 101 with Dean Obama

Victor Davis Hanson "After all, America is not a campus. It has real jobs that are not lifelong sinecures. Americans work summers. There are consequences when rhetoric does not match reality. Outside of Harvard or Columbia, debt has to be paid back and is not called stimulus. We worry about jobs lost, not those in theory created or saved. We don’t blame predecessors for our own ongoing failures. Those who try to kill us are enemies, whose particular grievances we don’t care much to know about. Diversity is lived rather than professed; temporizing is not seen as reflection, but weakness. And something not true is not a mere competing narrative, but a flat-out lie."


Resistnet "This video shows that during the unloading of the M/S. Mavi Marmara Turkish vessel in the Israeli port of Ashdod, behind the bags of flour were boxes of heavy weapons and ammunition: mortars, artillery shells, bazookas, without counting a trunk where more than one million euros was found intended for Hamas. This video should be widely distributed as evidence of why the IDF Naval commandos were dispatched to intercept the six vessels including the M/S Mavi Marmara." The site is all Hebrew, but the pictures tell the whole story. Hat tip to Ron Gazda, Texas.
Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy: “We’re Helping Arabs Go Against the US, Don’t Forget 9/11 Guys”, 4 June 2010 " In response to a radio transmission by the Israeli Navy warning the Gaza flotilla that they are approaching a naval blockade, passengers of the Mavi Marmara respond, “Shut up, go back to Auschwitz” and “We’re helping Arabs go against the US, don’t forget 9/11″ One taunting voice sounds American to me.
Hollywood Jews Ignore Israel   "In a town where leftism is the orthodoxy and the orthodoxy is good business you want to stick with it,” said author and screenwriter Andrew Klavan. “It’s hard to isolate Hollywood from the left, because in some ways Hollywood is the left.” "

Israel’s Gaza Blockade: It Works

Jonah Goldberg, NRO    "But this is a terrible moment to consider abandoning the blockade. Why? Because it would rightly be seen as giving the organizers and supporters of this seaborne propaganda stunt a victory. It would signal that America can be conned. It would reward Turkey’s outrageous insult to us (a NATO ally) and to Israel, a longtime friend of Turkey. It would undermine Egypt and other Arab governments (including Fatah) that don’t want Iran’s clients in Hamas strengthened (their propaganda notwithstanding). And it would signal that Iran is the most important power in the Middle East."

"There is something terribly horribly wicked when the leader of the free world cannot distinguish between good and evil, barbarity and humanity, bloodlust and self defense.".... "When they finished they took a knife and expanded the wound he already had in his stomach. They cut his ab muscles horizontally and by hand spilled his guts out. "...

Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene

Thomas Sowell    "After North Korea torpedoed a South Korean ship, killing 46 sailors, was there even one-tenth the outrage that is ringing out loudly around the world because of nine deaths that resulted from Israeli commandos intercepting a ship headed for the Gaza strip?"

Self-identified liberals and Democrats do badly on questions of basic economics.

WSJ    "Adam Smith described political economy as "a branch of the science of a statesman or legislator." Governmental power joined with wrongheadedness is something terrible, but all too common. Realizing that many of our leaders and their constituents are economically unenlightened sheds light on the troubles that surround us." DANIEL B. KLEIN. Mr. Klein is a professor of economics at George Mason University.

Does Studying Economics Make You More Republican?   " “In sum,” the study said, “those taking more economics classes favored less regulation or government intervention affecting prices for specific goods and services, including wages and salaries.” "

Andy Stern, A Member of Obama’s Fiscal Responsibility Commission, Says ‘Worshipping the Market’ Has Failed America  "The organization’s board includes President Eli Pariser of and Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP Washington Bureau. Sponsors and partners for this year’s “America’s Future Now” conference include the National Education Foundation (NEA) and the AFL-CIO. [Nancy Pelosi] is scheduled to speak at the conference on Tuesday and Rep. Alan Grayson [D-Wack-job] on Wednesday.  See how this relates to the above articles?

THE COUNTRY'S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS   Lyrics. Johnny Mercer; from "Li'l Abner", 1956
Watch it here.

Super Tuesday Post Mortem

Jamie Dupree  "But Lincoln's victory makes me hold off on any major anti-incumbent pronouncements. Maybe she was simply the better candidate, and not a piece of low-hanging election year fruit. Your primary election fact is this - of the 92 U.S. House Incumbents on the ballot in 12 states on Tuesday - 91 of them won - and one was forced into a runoff.   via Boortz

President Obama advises high school graduates not to blame others for their mistakes

Weekly Standard "Obama has relentlessly blamed Republicans, as well as his predecessor, for his and the nation’s problems. He has made all sorts of accusations on TV, at major press conferences and even the State of the Union address. A small sampling from the past several months:"...
Peyton R. Miller is the editor of the Harvard Salient and a Student Free Press Association intern at THE WEEKLY STANDARD.
The man who blames Bush for everything urges grads...not to blame others  " Monday, speaking to high school graduates, The Finger Pointer-in-Chief dropped jaws across the nation, claiming the high road with regard to excuse-making."

Let's see how Turkey welcomes a 'reverse freedom flotilla' for the Kurds

Ethel C. Fenig in AT: "Hey there all you starry eyed humanitarians, do gooders, peace activists, liberal religious, anti Israel, anti Jewish haters and other useful idiots! Do you want to help a small beleaguered minority group of Muslims in the Mideast fighting for a state of its own against a larger, more well equipped army that is occupying their land? You do? Well, have I got a flotilla for you! Several actually!"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Obama’s Latest White House Radical

Human Events  "Here are three quick things about Berwick that you need to know. And wait until you get to the part about his preferred word choice when describing an "ultrasound." It’s truly shocking."  Jason Mattera ;the editor of HUMAN EVENTS and the author of Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation (Simon & Schuster).

A Warning Label — on the U.S. Constitution

CATO   "...this $4.95 paperback copy of the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation, which contains the following advisory ..."
© Wilder Publications 2008  This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today. Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work."
H/t to Weasel Zippers