Friday, June 18, 2010

Iran’s Revolution: Year 2

NY Times "...Mr. Obama could do vastly more. By throwing in his lot with the freedom movement, he would surely increase the odds that we won’t have to live with a nuclear bomb controlled by virulently anti-American and anti-Semitic clerics. Democrats, once the champions of promoting pro-democracy movements, need to understand that the good that they can do for the people of Iran far exceeds the great harm that comes from doing nothing. "

From Germany: Will Obama Be the 'Jimmy Carter of the 21st Century'?

SPIEGEL ONLINE "Can US President Barack Obama lead America away from fossil fuel dependency? German commentators don't think so. Some say he is in danger of turning into an idealistic, one-term president like Jimmy Carter."

Elton John rocks Israel after other artists cancel

MyWay "John, who wore blue-tinted sunglasses, told the audience those cancellations "ain't gonna stop me from playing here, baby." Recent cancellations by the Pixies and Elvis Costello, who cited Israeli government policies, have added to Israel's growing sense of isolation." Via Drudge.

Government Expanded 'Like a Cancer'

CNBC "Markets usually give signals when something goes wrong but, if the government is to intervene, as is the case of the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England's bond buying, government intervention hides these signals, according to Faber. "I think any government intervention has unintended consequences and is negative," he said. When there is intervention, "eventually the market will break the intervention and things will blow out." " This is what happens when an economically ignorant electorate votes in national elections.

Pic of the Day: Afghan Woman Having Her Picture Taken For Voter Registration Card…

What's the point?

Against Gov. Jindal’s Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard

Sweetness and Light "But the Coast Guard ordered the stoppage because of reasons that Jindal found frustrating. The Coast Guard needed to confirm that there were fire extinguishers and life vests on board, and then it had trouble contacting the people who built the barges.".... As we have maintained all along, ‘regulations’ have probably caused much of the delay in attacking the spill. But the federal government’s answer will be to pile on even more regulations."
ABC video report found here.

How is Israel the Guilty Party?

Townhall  "But the Western system no longer functions; it takes its lead from "peace activists." And so --- and this is the tragedy of Western collapse - it is Turkey that the West appeases. There is no logic to this; there is fear. There's no morality here; only dhimmitude. History, meanwhile, is ignored.".... "Anything for "peace."
 Diana West

$7-a-gallon gas? The folly of O's oil-spill 'fix'

NY Post "The logic linking cap-and-trade to the spill in the Gulf should frighten anyone who owns a car or truck. Such measures force up the price at the pump -- Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs thinks it "may require gas prices greater than $7 a gallon by 2020" to meet Obama's stated goal of reducing emissions 14 percent from the transportation sector. "
Cartoon: Lisa Benson, Townhall

Obama's Latest Shakedown "No matter how culpable BP is ultimately determined to be, Obama's bullying should not deflect our attention from another culprit here: environmental extremists." David Limbaugh.

Never Let an Oil Spill Go to Waste  "...Every green job Spain has concocted since 2000 has cost taxpayers $774,000. Spain is about to be junk-bonded, and its green-energy economy is not helping.
"What about the president's contention that "we're running out of places to drill on land and in shallow water"? This is what you might call a meta-truth. For instance, "The sun is dying!" or "The budget will be balanced." The oil, coal and natural gas we know exists but haven't drilled for yet alone would be enough to provide hundreds of years of energy for the nation." David Harsanyi.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obama's Answer To Spill Comes Up Short

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER "It wasn't until the end of the speech — the let-no-crisis-go-to-waste part that tried to leverage the Gulf Coast devastation to advance his cap-and-trade climate-change agenda — that Obama warmed to his task. Pedestrian is beneath Obama. Mr. Fix-It he is not. He is world-historical, the visionary, come to make the oceans recede and the planet heal.
"How? By creating a glorious, new, clean green economy."

A Mind-Changing Page

Thomas Sowell "If more government regulation of business is the magic answer that so many seem to think it is, the whole history of the 1930s would have been different. An economic study in 2004 concluded that New Deal policies prolonged the Great Depression. But the same story can be found on one page in "Out of Work."
"While the market produced a peak unemployment rate of 9 percent-- briefly-- after the stock market crash of 1929, unemployment shot up after massive federal interventions in the economy. It rose above 20 percent in 1932 and stayed above 20 percent for 23 consecutive months, beginning in the Hoover administration and continuing during the Roosevelt administration."

WSJ: Drilling moratorium a second disaster

Hot Air "The White House acknowledged ... that they took the experts’ advice in reaching those conclusions that led to the moratorium. The Wall Street Journal decided to consult with the same experts — and report that their opinions diametrically oppose the White House position:"..Read the article here:
"All this is even before raising ban's economic consequences, which already threaten tens of thousands of jobs. This is why Louisiana politicians are now pleading with the Administration to back off a ban that is sending the Gulf's biggest industry to its grave.
"Mr. President, you were looking for someone's butt to kick," said Lafourche Parish President Charlotte Randolph, recently. "You're kicking ours." The sooner the Administration climbs down from this pointless exercise, the better for a Gulf that needs real help."

Thomas, Turkey, and the Liberation of Israel

Victor Davis Hanson "Israelis should assume by now that whether they act tentatively or strongly, the negative reaction will be the same. Therefore why not project the image of a strong, unapologetic country to a world that has completely lost its moral bearings, and is more likely to respect Israel’s strength than its past concern for meeting an impossible global standard?
"How odd that the more the activists, political leaders, and media figures issue moral strictures against Israel, the more they prove abjectly amoral. And the more they seek to pressure Israel, the more they are liberating it to do what it feels it must."