Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mort Zuckerman: World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur

US "America right now appears to be unreliable to traditional friends, compliant to rivals, and weak to enemies. One renowned Asian leader stated recently at a private dinner in the United States, "We in Asia are convinced that Obama is not strong enough to confront his opponents, but we fear that he is not strong enough to support his friends." "
 Obama as a man and a president aside, the lesson I take is that this country should not be in the hands of the left, no matter who the elected official is. Liberals only lead a nation to weakness and mediocrity.

Europe: Next Stop Auschwitz, This Time Taxis, not Trains

Atlas Shrugs "The continent rid itself of its Jews and imported m[i]llions of Muslims. How's that working out for you? This is a taxi in Amsterdam." Check the photos in this site.

America, the weak horse by choice

Powerline "The Afghan government isn't taking this approach because it feels well disposed towards Pakistan, much less towards the blood-thirsty Haqqani. It is doing so because it realizes that, with President Obama having made clear that the U.S. lacks the will to stay in the fight, Pakistan and the Afghan insurgents are the strong horse and U.S. is the weak one."

My Evening with Bill Ayers, Cindy Sheehan, and Some Creepy Communist Lady

Pajamas Media  "There were no calls for Israel’s elimination, or for the U.S. military to disband, or for George W. Bush to be executed for war crimes. Ayers never conceded that he and the president were more than just neighbors, or that he still has contact with the White House. But after listening to the illogical dribble — hollow platitudes about social justice and amorphous references to “the movement” — it became clear that these admissions were unnecessary."

Manute Bol, dies at 47; Towering NBA Player Provided Millions of Dollars to Jihad-Ravaged Sudan

Atlas Shrugs "Former NBA player and Dinka tribesman Manute Bol and his best friend went to over 39 Congressmen personally and met with the Pentagon in the 90's telling them that their people were being decimated by the Arab Muslims from the North and would disappear if the US did not help. He said they got nothing. ...So Manute reached into his own pockets in the millions to help support the starving refugees who had witnessed their homes and families destroyed.
"And so Bol was broke. So much so that former NBA friends held a benefit to raise $$ for his huge health bills after a drunk cab driver flipped a car Bol was in."

Blogger face-off: Obama administration's response to the Gaza flotilla incident

The Hill "The Hill invites two established bloggers from either side of the political spectrum to sound off on a designated topic in original commentary each Saturday. This week, two bloggers known for writing on Mideast issues take on the White House reaction to the controversial May 31 Israeli raid on an aid flotilla headed for Gaza, in which nine of the flotilla workers were killed and seven Israeli commandos were injured:"...."By Adam Horowitz and Jim Hoft."

How Do You Spell Response?

Carol Peracchio "We know very little about President Obama's youth, but it's hard to imagine young Barack competing in a spelling bee, or an archery competition, or any activity where success or failure depends solely on him (including bowling). On a basketball team, responsibility for failure can be spread among all the players. Even a loss at chess or poker can be excused by attempting to claim cheating by one's opponent. But a spelling bee is different. When my son just couldn't remember how to spell "biscuit," he had to accept that he was wrong. He couldn't blame the moderator, his parents, his teacher, or the dictionary."

Happy Father's Day! (For now): A cautionary tale

Larrey Anderson  Father's Day and Obamacare in one article; how serendipitous.

The Madness of Mothers and the Folly of Fathers

American Thinker "Fortunately, in most of the eternal disputes between men and women, discretion prevails over candor. If the truth be told (as it probably shouldn't), fathers often think mothers are insane while mothers think fathers are cold and unfeeling."   Paul Shlichta

Capitalizing on the Latest Crisis

Harry R. Jackson, Jr.  "China and India are creating tens of thousands of jobs, financed by American taxpayers and consumers, while we tax and over-regulate productive industries to pay for subsidies, tax breaks and payrolls for wind and solar companies that then must buy turbines and panels from China and India, because we cannot afford to make them here in the United States."   Bishop Harry Jackson is chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition and senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, MD.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Federal Suit: Health Care Law Unconstitutional and Unenforceable

ACLJ "The suit also argues: "If Congress succeeds in asserting this unprecedented claim of authority, it would set a sweepingly broad standard unsupported by the Constitution that would allow Congress to dictate to individuals that they must, or must not, buy countless other goods or services in the marketplace. To interpret the Commerce Clause to afford Congress such vast, all-encompassing authority over the daily lives of Americans would eviscerate the idea of a federal government of limited powers.""

Tilting at windmills

American Thinker "For those readers at American Thinker who agree with the leftist environmentalists that America should become less dependent on fossil fuels and expand our support of alternative methods of energy generation such as wind power, I have a bit of advice: take a drive through West Texas.
"I just did, more than a thousand miles of driving through West Texas and Eastern New Mexico, an area that I have been driving through for more than five decades and I must confess I am not pleased with what I see."  ....
 "Come out to West Texas all you greenies and see what endless ugliness you have wrought."  Russ Vaughn