Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Holder's Hypocrisy
Victor Davis Hanson "Holder's continual refusal to link radical Islam with the epidemic of global terrorism is likewise entirely political. When asked at a congressional hearing whether radical Islamic terrorists were behind the Fort Hood killings, the attempted Christmas Day bombing and the foiled Times Square bomb attack, Holder refused to identify that obvious common catalyst. He cited instead a "variety of reasons." The nation's chief prosecutor was not looking at the evidence, but adhering to a politically correct predetermined dogma."
Reid warms to July climate vote
Politico "Senate Democratic leaders are set to roll the dice this month on a comprehensive energy and climate bill, including a cap on greenhouse gases from power plants, even though they don’t yet have the 60 votes needed to move the controversial plan."
‘Downgrading’ Voter Intimidation
NRO "Indeed, the person who would have been responsible for making a recommendation on whether to file a subsequent criminal charge against the individual New Black Panther defendants was Mark Kappelhoff, the “career” chief of the Criminal Section and a former ACLU lawyer. Besides being a big contributor to Democratic candidates like Barack Obama and John Kerry, as well as the DNC, Kappelhoff was considered such a liberal loyalist that he was moved into the political position of chief of staff to the acting assistant attorney general for civil rights by the Obama transition team almost as soon as they came in the door."
The National Association for the Advancement of Coddled People" In just a few short decades, the stalwart strivers for equality have turned into coddled whiners for hypersensitivity. The NAACP is a laughingstock. The group no longer represents the best interests of oppressed minorities, but the thin-skinned whims of the black elite and the ravenous appetite of the Nanny State. Establishment civil rights leaders now use their once-compelling moral authority to hector, bully and shake down corporate and political targets."...."It's a tried and true tactic of worn-out grievance-mongers: When you can't find evil enough enemies to blame for your problems, manufacture them." Michelle Malkin
Cap and Ban
Heritage "After listening to locals testify about the economic catastrophe President Obama’s energy policies are already creating in the Gulf, former Democratic Sen. Bob Graham said he was disturbed by a “disconnect between Washington and the Gulf region about the sense of urgency needed.” There certainly is a disconnect between Washington and the rest of America. At a time of 9.5% unemployment, now is not the time to be inflicting costly Cap and Ban energy policies on the U.S. economy."
Holder: Aiding al-Qaeda
Andrew McCarthy " When critics contended that Americans had a right to know whether lawyers who chose to donate their services to al-Qaeda were now in charge of counterterrorism policy, Holder wailed that the patriotism of Justice Department lawyers was being attacked. The legal profession’s heroic self-image notwithstanding, there is nothing patriotic about volunteering to represent terrorists; that something is legal doesn’t make doing it patriotic. But the patriotism strawman is neither here nor there. The point has always been a commonsense one: When you do something you don’t have to do — as Holder did as a private lawyer in 2004, filing an amicus brief on behalf of al-Qaeda terrorist Jose Padilla — that is a free choice. We are entitled to weigh what that choice tells us about where you’re coming from.
"In taking up Padilla’s cause, Holder was not acting out of obligation. He was acting out of passion, out of ideology."
"In taking up Padilla’s cause, Holder was not acting out of obligation. He was acting out of passion, out of ideology."
Piercing a California Democratic Congressman’s Liberal Cocoon
Ed Driscoll "Kaus didn’t actually invent the term, but he did help popularize it. And eight years after the above description, the cocoon is arguably screwed down even tighter around the MSM, which during the naughts basically defined itself as “Not Fox News.”
"So let’s watch how painful it can be to a liberal when the cocoon gets pierced:"
"So let’s watch how painful it can be to a liberal when the cocoon gets pierced:"
Whatever It Takes: Obama Sidesteps Law to Halt Domestic Energy Production. Twice.
Pajamas Media "It is disturbing, to say the least, how little deference the president and the administration give to the strictures of the Constitution and existing law. Whatever suits Obama’s partisan political interests takes precedence, regardless of the cost to us. However, it is heartening that judges are increasingly unwilling to let this rampage continue.The most recent example involves the planned nuclear-waste repository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada."
Confidence in Obama reaches a new low
Ed Lasky "Do the Americans who still support Democrats do so because they support a redistribution of savings in America that has nothing to do with growth of the economy or individual merit but are a response to the demonizing of free enterprise that is Obama's wont and the promotion of the view that Other People's Money is really theirs?"
MSNBC online "poll" is a trap!
American Thinker "But the law's opponents want Americans to think that Arizona police will be stopping people just for "looking" illegal; it's not so.So the MSNBC poll is based on a false premise; what a surprise!
"And to participate in the poll is to validate its false premise. If the majority of respondents check "Yes, it's a good idea", MSNBC will no doubt report that a majority of respondents "favor racial profiling".
"In other words, this "poll" is a trap! Let's not any of us forget that we are battling against some true masters of propaganda and manipulation! "
Immigration, Reconsidered "The problem with this is that it isn't geography that makes a nation, but people. Replace Americans with Mexicans or Muslims and you no longer have America -- you have Mexico North or Iran West. Thus, if you believe Western culture is an evil force and aim to destroy it, our current immigration scheme perfectly suits your agenda.
"And the proof is in the pudding. Approximately 80 percent of new legal immigrants, once naturalized, vote as our culture-rending leftists do (for leftist Democrats). For a specific example, consider that first-time Hispanic voters cast ballots for Bill Clinton by a ratio of 15 to 1."
"And to participate in the poll is to validate its false premise. If the majority of respondents check "Yes, it's a good idea", MSNBC will no doubt report that a majority of respondents "favor racial profiling".
"In other words, this "poll" is a trap! Let's not any of us forget that we are battling against some true masters of propaganda and manipulation! "
Immigration, Reconsidered "The problem with this is that it isn't geography that makes a nation, but people. Replace Americans with Mexicans or Muslims and you no longer have America -- you have Mexico North or Iran West. Thus, if you believe Western culture is an evil force and aim to destroy it, our current immigration scheme perfectly suits your agenda.
"And the proof is in the pudding. Approximately 80 percent of new legal immigrants, once naturalized, vote as our culture-rending leftists do (for leftist Democrats). For a specific example, consider that first-time Hispanic voters cast ballots for Bill Clinton by a ratio of 15 to 1."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Another Democrat Congressman Loses Temper on Camera
Breitbart TV "Maybe if Democrats want more votes this election they should stop yelling at their constituents."
Boortz "So yesterday, Obama's chief mouthpiece Robert Gibbs gets up there and says that Bolden "must have misspoken" when he said that one of his top priorities is reaching out to Muslim countries. Gibbs says, "That's not his task and that's not the task of NASA." Maybe Bolden got the wrong training manual. It's more likely that the Obama crowd got the message from the American people and did a bit of a rewrite."
It Cannot Be That NASA Has Nothing Better To Do "First, is the recent record of NASA so sterling that now, in a time of record deficits, we have manpower and capital to invest in public relations with the Muslim world? And if so, why not with Latin America, or the African world?"
It Cannot Be That NASA Has Nothing Better To Do "First, is the recent record of NASA so sterling that now, in a time of record deficits, we have manpower and capital to invest in public relations with the Muslim world? And if so, why not with Latin America, or the African world?"
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