Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Things Christine O'Donnell didn't do

American Thinker  "The press is obsessed that Delaware Republican Senate nominee, Christine O'Donnell said that as a high-school student she hung out with kids who styled themselves witches.
"For this we're now to conclude that she's unfit to serve in the Congress of the United States A body composed of individuals of the most admirable rectitude. Apparently none of them ever did anything silly in high school.
"Furthermore, we do know that O'Donnell similarly falls short of standards set by Democratic law makers and chief executives because she never:...Wait for it...

O'Donnell Witch Hunt   "The GOP's chosen nominee for senator from Delaware is being asked to defend comments about the occult. Hey, it's not as if she "dabbled" in the KKK or Marxism or seanced with a very dead Eleanor Roosevelt.
"Be careful whom you date in high school or what you dabble in to humor a boyfriend. Those skeletons in your closet may come back to haunt you, particularly if you become a conservative Tea Party candidate fighting to stop creeping socialism in America."

Fox poll shows O’Donnell down 15 points  "In a poll of 1,000 likely Delaware voters, Christine O’Donnell trails Chris Coons by 15 points, 54/36.  Had the GOP nominated Mike Castle, he would have led Coons by 15, 48/33."

The Rushdie Rule

Infidel Bloggers  "Other Western leaders have faltered in defense of free expression. The governments of Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Great Britain, Israel, and the Netherlands have all attempted to jail or succeeded in jailing Rushdie Rule offenders.
"The Obama administration has now joined this ignominious list."

Apparently, some religions are more equal than others  "While proponents of an Islamic community center/mosque within crashing distance of the World Trade Center were demonstrating and pontificating on the rights of a religious group to build anywhere, these same people were (not so) amazingly silent about the denial of another minority religious group whose adherents also dress distinctly to build their house of worship and community. Perhaps the reason this latter group's plight has been ignored is that its members do not preach hatred against America or against people who practice a different religion."  Ethel C. Fenig.

Summers and Geithner leaving?

William Kristol  "On the one hand, Republicans will chortle that the rats are fleeing a sinking ship. They may be right. Or have the rats been shoved overboard? Could this mean that Obama is ruthless enough to act, after Nov. 2, to change staff, change course, and try to save his presidency?"

Hollywood Feminism: ‘People Magazine’ Taught Me Everything I Need to Know About Being A Woman

Big Hollywood  "Being a woman is great in this post proto-feminist world, and if you aren’t already a modern woman, I’d like to take you out of the kitchen and bring you up to speed. I was raised to believe in antiquated ideas — such as a woman needs to act like a lady and that a child needs both a mother and a father! Preposterous. Last week I squeezed out eight fatherless kids while at the sports bar during half-time – I do have a few pre-existing kids from different baby daddies, but I was keeping up with all the octomoms in the neighborhood.
"Multiple births are the new Mercedes."

Jon Hamm: Tea Party Has Racist ‘Secret Agenda’

Big Hollywood  "In a Real Time segment that will shock none of you and disappoint many of you, Mad Men star Jon Hamm suggests the Tea Party has a racist “secret agenda.” Is there something that happens to you when you become a huge star in Hollywood, the type of star that simultaneously has an Emmy-winning television show and the number one film in America, that makes you unable to understand that Americans are often partial to limited government and Constitutional principles without being a part of some racist vast right-wing conspiracy?
"You almost have to thank Maher for asking the question. If he was a conservative, you’d immediately think he set Hamm up to say something stupid."

Hamas Terror Group Threatens to Kill Kidnapped Israeli Soldier Gilad Shalit in Latest Video

Gateway Pundit  "This week the Hamas terrorist group released video of two terrorists threatening to kill kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit." 

Will the Media Remember Gilad Shalit? "This Friday marks the fourth anniversary of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit's kidnapping and incarceration by Hamas in Gaza. Israel has, during this period, allowed [tons] of humanitarian aid to enter Gaza and has now relaxed restrictions on the transfer of goods. Shalit has not even been allowed a visit by the Red Cross." Via HonestReporting

Democrats fighting election battles ask environmentalists, 'Where are you guys?'

LA Times   "Energy companies and businesses are ramping up spending on candidates and issues, while environmental groups face lagging donations and enthusiasm for campaigns key to climate change action."

Debating the DREAM Act

Max Boot  "In the process, we can use our armed forces and our universities as they have long been used — to integrate newcomers into the mainstream of American society. If we don’t, we risk expanding the underclass of undocumented immigrants who turn to illicit activities because legal work and education are closed to them."

Monday, September 20, 2010

Russia to cut 100,000 bureaucrat jobs by 2013

MSN  ""The overall savings from this by the third year will amount to 43 billion rubles (1.4 billion dollars)," he added."

A Yom Kippur Prayer For Jews who are "Proud to be Ashamed to Be Jews"

Phyllis Chesler  "Also in 2010, some American Jews encouraged a new flotilla, “The Audacity of Hope,” as envisioned by Rashid Khalidi, to “break” the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Jewish signatories Anna Baltzer (again), Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK, Hedy Epstein (again), Michael Ratner, and Starhawk joined the likes of Rachel Corrie’s parents, Angela Davis and Alice Walker.
"And now we have a new boycott, this time by American actors, writers, playwrights, and directors, who are supporting the Israeli refusal to perform in the city of Ariel’s new cultural center in Israel....Thus, the likes of Ed Asner, Theodore Bikel, Tony Kushner, Mandy Patinkin, Stephen Sondheim, Harold Prince, Wallace Shawn, Eve Ensler, Judith Malina, Rosanne Barr, Alicia Ostriker, as well as non-Jews such as Vanessa Redgrave, Kathleen Chalfant, Cynthia Nixon, Juliane Moore, and Mira Nair, have all signed a petition supporting the Israeli theatre people who are refusing to perform."
Original Artwork By Bosch Fawstin via Infidel Bloggers Alliance

How genocide wiped out a Native American population

MSNBC Wait, what?  "The entire assemblage comprises 14,882 human skeletal fragments, as well as the mutilated remains of dogs and other animals killed at the massacre site — Sacred Ridge, southwest of Durango, Colo.
"Based on the archaeological findings, which include two-headed axes that tested positive for human blood, co-authors Jason Chuipka and James Potter believe the genocide occurred as a result of conflict between different Anasazi Ancestral Puebloan ethnic groups."