Saturday, September 25, 2010

Stephen Colbert, Castro Spies and Extremism

Humberto Fontova   "...The Cuba-expert is the MSM’s go-to expert on Cuba/Castro and a frequent Colbert quest, Julia Sweig. The Spanish-named guy is a Castroite terrorists whose bomb-plot to incinerate and entomb thousands of New York Holiday shoppers was foiled in the nick of time by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, and is among the six Castro agents who (Colbert guest) Julia Sweig thanks in her book’s acklowlegements. "

Colbert’s Appearance is Perfect Bookend for 111th Congress  "This may have been the single biggest pointless blunder in American political history, and I am not kidding. With an election only five weeks from now in which Democrats are poised for major losses, this morning’s depiction of Congress as ludicrous dupes of a TV personality — which will be replayed for weeks — will make the analogistic point that the majority is unfit to be running things. How exactly will they argue otherwise? "   Ed Driscoll, Pajamas Media

Unless there is something big breaking on the comedian, this will be our last mention of it. I believe this whole dog-and-pony show was to keep us from discussing the DOJ hearings. Remember, when you think of hearings, think of Christopher Coats and the Justice Department. 

Legislated Laryngitis

Chuck Colson  The Johnson amendment: "It’s now time to ask the question: Who decides what the church can and cannot say? Should it be the government? Or should it be the church?"
Wasn't a problem for Rev. Wright, now, was it?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Quote of the Week

Hot Air  "Obama would be making a deadly mistake by calling out Sarah Palin for a political cage match.  Let me put this bluntly: virtually no one in America gives a damn what Barack Obama says about anything at this point.  What could be more predictable, and less interesting, than Obama’s opinion on any given subject?  Who wants to contemplate the economic wisdom of a guy who looted the Treasury for a trillion dollars, with less benefit than we could have achieved by stuffing hundred dollar bills into random cereal boxes?  Who’s excited to hear about the next plan to convert taxpayer dollars into Democrat campaign funds?  Who’s hungry for another hour of tedious excuses about permanently broken markets and the titanic dead hand of George W. Bush?  Who wants a lecture on ethical business practices from the titular head of the party that gave us Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters?  What use is another hollow foreign-policy speech from a man who sees no global adversary to rival the menace of Arizona?  Even Obama’s supporters don’t hear anything he says any more.  There’s nothing left to hear." 
Hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance

Here We Go Again

Victor Davis Hanson  "Lost amid the campaign politicking are several growing crises that all, to one degree or another, reflect the general global appraisal that the United States has abdicated its traditional role, either on the grounds of fiscal erosion or self-doubt about our moral authority to pass judgment on aggressors."

Waiting for Crazy

Heritage  "President Barack Obama’s second address to the United Nations General Assembly almost sounded as if he were speaking to voters on the campaign trail in Iowa, instead of fawning diplomats in Manhattan. He mentioned his financial reform, his commitment to fighting global warming, his efforts to withdrawal from Afghanistan and his new nuclear treaty with Russia. In classic Obama form, he mentioned the words “I,” “me” or “my” 34 times, including this line about his efforts to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program: “Now let me be clear once more:..."

Christopher Coates Testifies to the United States Civil Rights Commission

American Hero: Coates Negates a Year of Justice Department Spin on New Black Panther Case    "In a dramatic hearing in Washington, D.C., Coates simply destroyed the year-long spin from the Justice Department regarding the dismissal. Coates is the former Voting Section chief, and served as lead attorney on the Black Panther case. He has practiced voting rights law longer than any other lawyer at the Justice Department. His testimony today was the worst possible nightmare for the Obama political officials responsible for the dismissal."
Nice Deb  "Today, in the twilight of his career, former Voting Section Chief Christopher Coates,  defying DOJ instructions  heroically stood up  for truth and justice, against the lies, corruption and racial bias that infests the Obama/Holder Justice Dept."

Civil rights panel hears testimony in '08 voter intimidation case  "Coates also argued that there was evidence for broader prosecution of the New Black Panther case. "We had eyewitness testimony. We had videotape. One of them had a weapon. They were hurling racial slurs," said Coates, who originally brought the Panther case. "I've never been able to understand how anyone could accuse us of not having a basis of law in this case." "

Full Text of Christopher Coates’ Testimony to U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (PJM Exclusive)  "Today's entire testimony from former Department of Justice Voting Section Chief Coates regarding the New Black Panther case and DOJ hostility to race-neutral law enforcement."
 From Pajamas Media

Coates Testimony: Dismissal of New Black Panther Case a “Travesty of Justice”   "His testimony was “lengthy and detailed” and detailed the DOJ’s “‘hostile atmosphere’ against race-neutral enforcement of the Voting Rights Act”."

Christopher Coates  Posts  "Coates is the ex-chief of the Voting Section who was transferred over Christmas break at his request, according to the Justice Department. He had approved cases against the New Black Panther Party and against black defendants in Noxubee County, Miss"

Democrat silliness: Colbert Explains ‘Corn Packer’ to Congressman (Updated)

Doug Powers "This was all taking place while Christopher Coates was testifying before the US Civil Rights Commission exposing the lies, racial bias and corruption of the Obama/Holder Justice Department.
"Guess which story is getting the most media play? Colbert’s “lookie over here” appearance was so circus-like that it’s almost as if it was a planned distraction."

Colbert embarrasses Dems; Conyers asks comedian to leave  "...the presence of [Zoe Lofgren's] star witness, Colbert, had caused a number of strange and awkward moments, ones that could come back to some of the Democrats on the panel in the campaign ahead."  More here:
Lofgren is a California Democrat from the Bay area. 'Nuff said.

Obamacare is even worse than critics thought

Examiner Editorial  "Six months ago, President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rammed Obamacare down the throats of an unwilling American public. Half a year removed from the unprecedented legislative chicanery and backroom dealing that characterized the bill's passage, we know much more about the bill than we did then. A few of the revelations:"...h/t to Neal Boortz

Remembering the Words of Candidate Obama

Bob Gorrell, Townhall
American Thinker  "Here's an excerpt from the transcript of the Democratic debate in Philadelphia in April 2008. Senators Obama and Clinton were the participants. NBC's Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos were the moderators.
"We enter the debate soon after the topic focused on the economy. Particularly interesting comments by then Senator Obama appear in italics."

Congress committee hearings: Devastating Black Panther voter intimidation testimony today; Steven Colbert (Updated)

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case: 'Bombshell' for Obama? "The case could damage the Obama administration, says Mr. Lichtman at American University. But he also argues that most Americans understand that the Voting Rights Act was intended to correct gross and historic injustices, not nit-pick along partisan lines.
""You can try to force [the Voting Rights Act] to be equal, but it's not," he says. "If these are the worst examples you can find, then, by God, white people in America are pretty safe.""

Thomas Lifson  "This outrageous behavior by the top law enforcement agency of the United States, denying equal protection of the law to white voters, has the potential to seriously damage AG Eric Holder, and the man who appointed him, Barack Obama, and the entire Democratic Party. The DoJ's inspector General is already investigating, and and if Republicans control, the House of Representatives next year, we can expect serious investigation armed with subpoena power."
"Zoe Lofgren's contemptible summoning of satirist Steven (sic) Colbert to testify before her committee -- only to have the comedian be asked to leave by the more level-headed John Conyers -- may well have been a diversionary effort, to suck away the media spotlight."

Colbert asked to leave Judiciary hearing  ""I certainly hope that my star power can bump this hearing all the way up to C-SPAN1," he quipped.
"His testimony at times bordered on the absurd.
" "The obvious answer is for all of us to stop eating fruits and vegetables," he said at one point. At another, he said, "Maybe the easier answer is to have scientists create vegetables that pick themselves." "

An Apologetic 9/11?

Victor Davis Hanson "If the Imam Raufs of America would spend three times as much time condemning madrassas, Wahabbism, anti-Muslim oppression by others abroad, and the silence of so many in the Muslim community about the radicalism that spreads among them as they do warning us to be more liberal — or else — then there would be far fewer Major Hasans and his fellow zealots who on over 30 occasions have tried to trump the mass murder of 9/11.
"What a weird society — each time a radical Islamist is stopped before killing the innocent, we keep going back to the single Timothy McVeigh murdering of 15 years past, and mouth some banality like “there are all sorts of terrorists.”
"So maybe just a tiny bit of George Patton and a bit less of Tony Robbins."  Emphasis gleefully added.