Saturday, October 2, 2010

“Consumer Safety” Bill Could Boomerang against U.S. Manufacturers

Insider Online "Americans damaged by faulty products, whether made abroad or domestically, should be able to seek compensation through the courts. But the approach advocated by supporters of the Foreign Manufacturers Legal Accountability Act would not solve the problem. It would create a false hope of collection for damages while bypassing existing procedures that have proven to work in most cases. The approach would potentially violate constitutional protections available to citizens and non-citizens alike as well as existing commercial agreements with other nations. It could potentially disrupt global manufacturing supply chains, putting American production and employment in jeopardy."  Read the five page report.

Schools and Civic Knowlege

Teachers and the Decline of Civic Knowledge  The American  "The significant decline of civics knowledge is important not just in itself, but also as an indicator of the general change that was occurring in American schools. Civics is a school subject. If students do not know civics it is mostly because the schools have not taught it to them, a fact that reflects not just irresponsible complacency about the proper function of schools in a democracy, but also the more general anti-intellectual orientation and complacency of the schools towards merely academic subjects."

High Schools, Civics, and Citizenship: What Social Studies Teachers Think and Do  "From a nation’s history, to its economic structure, politics, and constitutional order, a teacher can inspire appreciation or revulsion, mindless conformism or gratuitous agitation, boredom or wonder. Social studies teachers are uniquely positioned to frame and inform students’ outlook about the nation, to tell the story of who we are. This study revolves around an essential question: what are teachers trying to teach our youth about citizenship and what it means to be an American?"
Read this full report from American Interprise Institute- 61 pages.

D-Day Memorial Still Can’t Admit Stalin Bust Was a Mistake

Heritage Insider  "The National D-Day Memorial is no longer adorned with a bust of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. The folks running the show there decided to take it down on Tuesday. That would seem fitting, since Stalin was a murderous thug whose initial alliance with Adolf Hitler helped make the Allied invasion at Normandy necessary.
Big Peace photo

"But, unfortunately, this move does not mean the National D-Day Memorial Foundation has come to its senses about the appropriateness of honoring a brutal dictator at a site that is supposed to honor the sacrifices of thousands of American, British, and Canadian soliders. Nor does it mean the Foundation has heeded the outrage its initial memorial design had generated."

Stalin Honored with Churchill at D-Day Memorial  From November 28, 2009;  "An ominous and hurtful example of the moral blackout that shrouds modern times."

Friday, October 1, 2010

Carly Fiorina: Robber Baron, Traitor — and Outsourcer!

Victor Davis Hanson  "On cue, in comes a railing Barbara Boxer — whose policies had a lot to do with punishing taxes, layers of government red tape, and therapeutic education — charging that Hewlett-Packard built some things overseas when it could not make a profit doing so here.
"If that is to be the analysis of and solution for outsourcing, then California and this country will see far worse days ahead."

Ariz. Border Sheriff: Obama’s ‘Got His Hands Wrapped Around Our Throat'

CNS News   “Lift the lawsuit, Mr. President, and drop that thing. Let Arizona take its leadership role like it’s willing to do. We’ll help. We’ll do more good with that than anything else that’s going on right now. Other states are getting on board. And then give us the resources we need to get this thing done.”

John Bolton: A ‘Goldwater Conservative’

National Review   "In an interview this morning in his Washington office, Bolton, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and longtime diplomat, opened up about a potential campaign, discussing his views on foreign policy and domestic affairs. “I just don’t think that a Republican can convincingly oppose the president using talking-point platitudes,” Bolton tells us. As he looks at his options, Bolton says that he wants to “shape the debate, and hopefully make an impact on the national-security issues.” "

RE: Some Polls You Can Ignore  "Even if he doesn’t win, he’s going to force other Republicans to focus on national security. For those who are planning on “using talking-point platitudes,” that could be a problem. You see, a presidential primary is not simply about who can win over the base; it is about who can convince the base that the other guys and gals aren’t up to speed."

One of the companies that Democrats use to dig up dirt on conservatives

Stanford Research  "Stanford Research has the top-level experience that comes from having worked on more than 100 campaigns in 33 states. Our clients include state and federal Democratic Party committees, major interest groups, labor unions, Fortune 500 companies, and more than a dozen members of Congress."
The Republicans have their sources as well, but network news programs demonstrate that the Democrats are much more efficient at this. It helps to have a willing press. 

The Right to Bury Your Son in Peace (Updated)

Blackfive  ""I had one chance to bury my son in peace and they took it away from me." - Albert Snyder, father of Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, about the Westboro Baptist Church that protested Matthew's funeral."

Westboro Baptist Church Picket Schedule  Where they will be in October and November including this appearance on Veteran's Day:
"WBC will picket the Veteran's Day Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to remind this nation that God is Doomed america's enemy and He himself fights against you. Because this nation has raised her clenched fist to God and said "We hate instruction. No! We will not obey!," He curses you by killing your young men in their prime. Instead of worshipping their dead corpses, you ought to turn and repent and worship your God. He alone has the power to tear you into pieces and cast you into Hell forever. "
From the Westboro site. As a Christian and a believer in the atonement Christ made for us on the cross, I utterly condemn this "church"s actions and beliefs.

On the bright side, there are the Patriot Guard Riders  "It all started back in early August of 2005 with the American Legion Riders chapter 136 from Kansas. They were appalled to hear that a fallen hero’s memory was being tarnished by misguided religious zealots who were protesting at funerals. They decided to do something about it."  God bless 'em.

Tribute to the Patriot Guard Riders "They came from miles away to stand in the blazing sun, holding their flags in honor of my nephew. They are my heroes..."  Video and sound.

Going Ghost

Cliff May  "So she came up with an idea: “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day.” This may not have been a great idea -- few ideas are -- but the point she wanted to make was simple enough: Freedom implies the right to criticize and caricature. This freedom is now in jeopardy because a minority of Muslims believes the majority of non-Muslims can be easily intimidated. If we all stand up for freedom, Molly Norris thought, surely freedom’s enemies will back down."....
" You may have noticed that Molly Norris’ comic is not in the paper this week. That's because there is no more Molly."

Molly Norris apologized for "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day," and cleric calls for her death anyway  "Since muslims believe any image of Muhammad is blasphemous, they will call for and carry out the killing of anyone who doesn't honor that belief.
"Last April, Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris, feeling safe in a free country, responded against Comedy Central censorship. "

Shame on Family Films? (Stupidity advisory)

Brent Bozell  "Baird isn't just an Angry Feminist; she's a hypocrite, too. Last year, her own magazine tried to embarrass Sarah Palin by putting an old photo of her on the cover in running shorts, suggesting this Caribou Barbie wasn't ready for prime time. Did Baird protest? No, she defended the cover since Palin "has been photographed and filmed more than once in aerobic gear."
"Newsweek, heal thyself."  
PC rule: Female characters must always dominate males and make them look like fools; they must be smarter and more confident. Males must always be helpless, confused and clueless.  After every encounter with a female -in which she, of course dominates-there must be an "I showed you" expression on her face.  When male and female children compete in anything, she must be the winner. If not, then there is sexism.
If this inequity is addressed by women's rights activists, they are crusaders; when men make these claims, they are whiners.

The Shoes Liberal Celebrities Won't Wear

Michelle Malkin  "The Colbert Congress served one useful purpose: It showed America that Tinseltown's heart only bleeds out of its left chambers."
An Open Letter To Stephen Colbert from Althea Rae Shaw  "I challenge you to visit where Cheryl Green was murdered in Los Angeles. Cheryl Green was 14 years old when she was shot and left for dead by an illegal alien. She was riding her bike across an imaginary line that the illegal alien gang members told each other, "the next black person that crosses this line will die." Would you like to meet Cheryl's mother, Charlene Lovett? I'm sure she could use a good laugh! "   Althea Rae Shaw