Weekly Standard "...A young community-organizer-cum-seminar-leader, having led a sheltered political life in deep blue America, is swept into office on the strength of a financial collapse weeks before the election plus the emotional need for a biracial redeemer. He misreads the country, the times, and his mandate, pushes through plans to turn the country into a social democracy at the exact moment that model is proving unworkable, governs in every way against the will of the people, and proves himself to be a bad politician, a coalition-destroyer, a fish out of water, and over his head. This simple line explains things much better than the convoluted tales that you keep coming up with. But it’s the one thought you cannot abide."
Noemie Emery
'Fault Lines' "In the Weekly Standard, Noemie Emery has produced an article so excellent and full of insight that it seems wrong to even try and excerpt. I urge you to read every word about Obama's apologists and how they keep trying to scapegoat the opposition."
Clarice Feldman in American Thinker