Wednesday, October 20, 2010

CBS’s ‘Medium’ Presents Sheriff Joe Arpaio-Like Character as Rapist-Murderer

Big Hollywood "I guess CBS couldn’t possibly present its Sheriff Arpaio-styled character as a good man. Their Arpaio-like character had to be seen as a sicko, rapist, and murderer. It is just another example of how Hollywood and the TV industry can’t stand it that there are real men out there that the voters love because they are public servants that are tough-minded, but fair. No, to TV, anyone that isn’t a liberal must be a rapist, a murderer, or a mentally deranged cretin."

Laura Ingraham Schools ‘CSI’ Producer Over Tea Party-Trashing Episode  "What has changed, however, is that just a few years ago all we could do was sit there and take these sucker shots – sit there and helplessly stew as the most popular drama on television betrayed our trust and goodwill with a strident and unanswered step into the political arena to unfairly malign a grassroots movement that has Leftist Hollywood as shook as the news media.
"No more."

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