Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Need to research TEA Party voting recommendations? (updated)

Just search under tea party voting recommendations   Include your area. Before  you vote straight ticket, be sure your Republican choice isn't a RINO and the independent the better choice.

The case for voting Republican    "It is not enough to repudiate [President Obama] in these elections through the loss of a few seats. If that happens Obama will just rationalize the losses, proffer excuses and lame rationalizations, denigrate those who voted against him and carry on remaking America according to his socialist philosophy and ideology of appeasement and moral relativism. No, repudiation is not enough. He must be curbed, stopped, and our only recourse, the only possibiity we have of doing that now, is to elect as many Republicans as we can. Republican majorities in the House and Senate would be sufficient, but a critical mass might do the trick as well. Hold your nose if you have to but vote for the GOP. Hell, if I can do it, so can anyone else. "  Jerry Philipson , American Thinker

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